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Guinness1759 | 23-06-2003 08:06
I don't know if ther's already a thread about this, but I know you all are very creative and artistic, and I know some of you write poems.
Well, basicly her's where you post your poems (or someone else's) and hope your friends could give you comments about them.

I'll srart then. This is a poem I wrote a while ago and I really wanted to shear it with someone. I had to translate it from hebrew though, so it might not sound as good.

Self Portrait
look in the miror
you see you didn't shave this morning, you
see the eyes
that refuses to open.
a dream is forgotten
something inside of you tells you
to look at you again.
a coulpe of hopes you once had,
drown with the teeth-brushing water
making it's way in the sewage's maze.

You stop watching.
after all, you
know what your face look like.
you know each wrinkle and each scar
and you can tell the story of
each one and one.
the thoughts are running within you
and you
shake them, wipe them, depart of them.

You are alive.
nothing more.
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Olivia_Ka | 14-01-2019 03:52
Shopping 3

Told you I went to the restroom, sorry I'm late
But girls, remember I was flipping at the date
My left leg was all covered with a strange liquid
I may've been thinking something else, on myself I peed
Then their brother went to look for me after I wiped
I felt red like a tomato 'cause I knew he was right
I left and did a quick turn round the full restroom block
But then, I remembered the two girls in the garage locked
So I finally found them, the curly one was the driver
She led her sister and I to her new auto-hover
The driver was on top, us two in the bottom
We were going shopping, none of us had downed a bottle
In the bottom, I showed her a transparent thing before us
In the middle of it, I could see nothing but a lens
Well, looked like a CD player but I didn't have one there
So I turned the radio on and... Guess what it aired?

This is one of my rare rapping attempts, and the first that isn't in my native language. Improvised some minutes ago. It's about 3 girls from middle or high society, 2 of them are sisters, who go on a shopping spree one morning. This part is the first verse, so if someone else can complete the next verses, I'll be able to put in the song thread.
Olivia_Ka | 01-06-2019 10:04
Here is one I wrote today. From the point of view of DJ Jimmy, who was a drug dealer in his twenties, he and 2 other guys had a stash with records and a joint to puff on under the stairs - Jimmy was a smoker and still is, apparently at thirty-five years old.
The title is a reference to dégoupiller, that means "removing the pin from a grenade" (with teeth only, in that case), and des goûts pillés, that means the "assaulted tastes", for 2 reasons : because Jimmy thinks the weed has become unsmokable, and because their boss, Mr. Beïram, didn't like the music his guys played.
No matter what the boss did to the 3 DJs, the youngsters from nearly 20 years ago have grown up, and Jimmy still has "the maps and the guides" from his nocturnal weekends. He is actually talking to one of his former associates, who wasn't one of the other 2 DJs.
The name Jimmy is actually a reference to James Dean - if only that actor hadn't died so early.

Des goûts pillés

Nous voulions débuter, y'a quoi dessus ?
Comme des goûts pillés à dents nues.

Nous filions tel l'éclair, lancés à grande vitesse
Quelque part sous la terre, ces vendredis d'averse.
J'étais un de ces 3 qui servaient le week-end
Dur à cuir, hors-la-loi avec le cœur qui traîne.
Maintenant j'ai vieilli, c'est pas seul que je dîne.
Je resterai Jimmy et mon ex... Émeline !

Le boss, c'était Beïram, je sais plus son prénom.
À cause de lui, je crame et j'touche à la boisson.
Un bunker en 2000, juste le temps de charger.
Il y avait mes vinyles et l'tarpé bien caché

En douce sous l'escalier, mais m'en veux-tu ?
Pour le dégoupiller à dents nues.

Moi, j'ai encore le plan, je peux servir de guide.
J'y ai passé 12 ans sans perdre l'équilibre.
Nous 3 étions fin prêts, on voulait d'la radio.
Le boss nous arrêtait "Pas l'argent qu'il vous faut !"
Ça flambait à nos doigts comme bananes au dessert.
Du coup, rien pour nous 3, fais tourner... L'atmosphère !

Derrière la glace sans tain, je les voyais danser.
Souvent, les lendemains avaient un air froissé.
La zic la plus rythmée était la mienne, bien sûr.
L'métro était fermé, on rentrait en voiture.

Mercredi stripteasé, jamais déçu !
J'peux la dégoupiller, Adam nu.

Un soir en 2013, juste le temps de ranger
J'ai donc quitté ma chaise, d'leur boîte, me suis cassé
Et pourtant j'ai vieilli, c'est pas seul que je dors.
J'm'appelle toujours Jimmy, pour ça, suis resté fort.
Quelquefois, je l'effeuille, ce calepin émietté
Mais dans mon portefeuille, les photos... Sont souillées !

Dos au mur, je t'attends, camarade de combine.
Tu me glaces le sang à ne pas donner signe.
3 à changer de base, où est la glace sans tain ?
Je rêve ! Qui trop embrase, comme on dit, mal éteint.

Comme tu m'as contacté, message reçu.
Notre argent dépensé est bien perdu.
Décor : pétard mouillé, nous v'là reclus
Avec nos goûts pillés aux dents nues.

Des goûts pillés, Adam nu.
Dégoupiller à dents nues.
Olivia_Ka | 23-10-2019 07:41
A poem I wrote a few hours ago, after OD-ing on music and lighting a stick of ayurvedic incense while writing. Most of my writing influences are men (Paul Verlaine, Boris Santeff, more recently Martin Barnard etc.) but I do my best not to copy them word by word, no matter if I write them in French or in English.
The narrator is a narcotics squad police officer/spy/informer who looks back at how stressing his work nights were. His bosses secretly were illicit substances users whereas he abstained from doing so. He also had a sexy female coworker and both faked a couple (in their coffee/nicotine/soft drink/tea breaks, not having sex) while he was engaged to his soon-to-be wife. He can count on his wife to take/call him back home. In the very last part, he has purposely left his (now former) bosses, only to spend more time with his wife, and he walks through a park, wearing a sweater, early in the morning.

Mystère de l'homme (Pull et narc)

Pull et narc
Je te fais cet effet-là ?

J'en ai eu assez de subir.
Ils me traînaient pour me nuire.
J'ai préféré ne pas trinquer
À leur mauvaise santé.
Moi-même, j'ai été leur sujet
Quand c'était à eux de juger.
Je faisais la lumière, leur récital
M'y conduisait jusqu'à en avoir mal.

Il est loin, le temps où, filés
Vers les lumières de la cité
On se cramait jusqu'à plus soif.
J'étais habile ! Donc pas de gaffes !
Je n'danse pas, je n'tiens pas l'alcool
Chaque coupe les clouait au sol.

J'ai arrêté, j'ai baissé
À force de ne plus supporter.
Je rentrais penaud, par le parc
Avec ma femme à mon bras
En pull et l'esprit de narc
Je te fais cet effet-là ?

Vous pouvez débarrasser le plateau !
Ça fait des heures, je n'suis plus accro.
J'ai fait semblant de courtiser
La fille qui vous électrisait.
On m'a cru trop infidèle
Chaque fois qu'avec elle
Je faisais des jeux étranges.
Le ciel blanc passait à l'orange.

Alors, les idées claires, la crampe au cou
Je dormais peu mais je souffrais beaucoup.
Ma femme savait mes secrets mieux que personne
Alors que je n'étais pas du genre à faire des tonnes.
Si ma voiture fumait, je rentrais par le parc.
Saboteurs commandités par ces deux soldats !
Transpirant sous mon pull, un goût de narc
Je te fais cet effet-là ?

Selon eux, j'avais "the perfect match".
Ce qui correspond, dans notre tchatche
À trouver un point infectieux, un foyer
Avec une allumette soigneusement frottée
Sur la carte, sur le plan : c'est le lieu
Où nous devions trouver le juste milieu.

Menthe, miel, encens ayurvédique
À ma portée, et ma torche électrique
Faisaient de moi le plus éclectique
Pour que je leur cache ma panique.

À vrai dire, je n'étais pas fait pour tenir
Le coup des espionnages à loisir.
Excusez-moi, ma femme me retient au téléphone !
Finies la bringue et la déconne !
Je rentre plus tôt par le parc
Mouchoir bleu au poignet gauche : coda
Pull et narc...
Oui, je vous ai fait cet effet-là.
Captain_Keeta | 23-10-2019 19:57
It was my first time,
I felt such elation,
Oh no, premature ejaculation.
Olivia_Ka | 08-12-2019 16:26
A poem written a few minutes ago. Guess I'm fully inspired by Alpha's 1997 song Back and mostly, the singer-lyricist (and that's no lie). But I decided to write in French as a remembrance of sth. I have done, I am not hiding being bruised by past love - another one of my poems, written in May/June 2005, recalls a fact from 1996 in the same vein, unrequited love/friendship (one of my favourite themes) with a lot of shyness and/or temporary isolation from the noise and partying.
The English intro has been written after I finished the French lines. It sounds like falling in love, but not with a guide, regret is still present here. Maybe because my guide reminds me so much of my favourite ex-boyfriend?

Le poids que j'ai sur mes épaules
The weight I have on my shoulders
Dedicated to Sir Martin John B.

It is late in the morning.
Somewhere in Europe
A meditating girl keeps waiting
For her guide at a restaurant terrace.
The sun is high in the sky.
Autumn has taken its toll
And far from the girl's sight
Her guide is taking pictures of the place
Making him unrecognizable
From the tourists on it.
She has to wave him, but she's very shy.
Her tears are about to flow on her face
Despite her glowing smile.

Y'a des touristes sur la terrasse
There are tourists on the terrace
Mais aucun ne me tente.
But no one tempts me.
Il y en a tellement qui passent
There are so many passing by
En cette matinée latente.
In this latent morning.
Là-bas, j'aperçois comme un tas
Over there, I watch like a bundle
De feuilles tombées au sol.
Of fallen leaves.
Cela doit faire 5 ans, déjà...
It must have been 5 years, really...
Que j'ai pris mon envol.
That I followed my path.

Le vent ne m'apporte rien
The wind doesn't bring anything
De vous, à qui je tiens
From you, and I stick to you
Comme une fente que l'on recolle.
Like a slot being glued.

Lâchez tout pour me retrouver !
Drop everything to find me again!
Lâchez tout, vous saurez aller
Drop everything, you will know where to go
Au point central, au nœud coulant
At the central point, the noose
Alors que l'on vous en défend.
Whereas you are prevented from doing so.
Suffit que l'on ait perdu pied
It is enough to lose our step
Suffit que vous puissiez m'aider
It is enough for you to help me
Me guider, me briefer, m'éclairer !
Guide me, brief me, enlighten me!
Votre lueur d'opale me détend.
Your opal gleam relaxes me.

Détendu, revenu...
Relaxed, back...
Détendu, revenu...
Relaxed, back...

Les heures comptées sans le vouloir
Hours counted, without wanting it
Me montent dans la tête.
Are going into my mind.
Copieusement, celle du départ
Copiously, the departure hour
A sonné comme une défaite.
Sounded like a defeat.
Là-bas, j'aperçois comme vous
Over there, I watch like you
Mais je rêve ! Sans doute
But I'm dreaming! Without a doubt
Êtes-vous en possession de tout...
You are owning everything...
Pour tracer notre route.
To trace our path.

Le vent ne m'a rien apporté
The wind didn't bring anything
De vous, vous seriez resté
From you, you should have stayed
J'aurais fondu sous vos paroles.
I would have burst (into tears) after (listening to) your words.
Une épreuve dure à passer
A test hard to stand
Vous m'aiderez à alléger
You will help me to lighten
Le poids que j'ai sur mes épaules.
The weight I have on my shoulders.

Cachez tout pour me retrouver !
Hide everything to find me again!
Cachez tout, vous saurez aller
Hide everything, you will know where to go
Au point central, au cœur décent
To the central point, the decent heart
Alors que l'on vous en défend.
Whereas you are prevented from doing so.
Suffit que l'on dise du mal
It is enough to be told bad things
Suffit que vous soyez normal
It is enough for you to be normal
Pour guider, pour briefer, m'éclairer !
To guide, to brief, enlighten me!
Votre lueur d'opale me détend.
Your opal gleam relaxes me.

Détendu, revenu...
Relaxed, back...
Détendu, revenu...
Relaxed, back...
Vous... Vous...
You... You...
Olivia_Ka | 08-04-2020 03:51
Here is one I started last Sunday (April 5), but decided not to continue after I cut myself with a page from my notebook. I finally decided to finish it, with end of Part 1, Part 2 and Epilogue, during the 4am (local) hour, today.
The story : the narrator, a girl detective, gets intrigued by a sailor (going by the name of Lee) and both were born in the same quarter - but she is younger than him, and one is not the other's love interest since he's married. She and the "groupies" laughed at the boy every time because he was funny, she gets a scarf from him after he forgets it, but did not realise he got tricked into addiction (alcohol, hookah and heroin) while he and his mates were supposedly working at the harbour (not from his native town, but from another town in the UK). Neither Lee's wife nor his boss ("that man") disclose on his attitude, and his childhood friends do not seem to laugh anymore.
One day, the narrator loses Lee's trace since he disappears, stuck to his guide (the narrator does not remember her name - "the guide" must be a slang word for "speed") but not leaving his wife behind. The joke's over because the narrator overhears the sailor's mates going back from his funeral... Did they throw his body in the water? No, they didn't! He got struck on/by speed!
The title is a reference to des fonds sous-marins, that means "at the bottom of the sea", and défonce ou marin, that means "stoned or sailor". Although not mentioned in the poem, Lee was probably a blond-haired boy with turquoise eyes like the bottom of the sea.

Défonce ou marin

Part 1
J'ai fait le tour des bars
Pour voir si tu y étais entré
Puis celui des fast-foods
Mais on m'a dit que t'étais parti.
T'as laissé ton foulard
Je ne l'aurais pas lavé mais gardé
Et voilà que je boude.
Même que ta femme ne m'a rien dit !

J'ai pris les lignes de métro
Mais rien ne m'a menée ici.
J'étouffais, j'étouffais trop.
C'est là que j'ai su qu'à l'époque
Katy attendait sa Mini !
Te souviens-tu d'elle ? Hard knock...

How much?

Y'a eu des trahisons
Des coups d'poignard dans l'dos.

T'allais vider les cargaisons
À leur arrivée au port.
Tant pis, je ne trouve plus les mots
Que tu disais si bien encore.

Au port, j'ai vu "that man".
Il n'a fait que me duper.
S'il s'appelle Bruno ou Boris
Je ne sais pas encore très bien.
À quelques mètres de là, ça stagne.
Cet endroit où t'allais sniffer
Plus d'une fois, sans artifice.
J'aurai su que t'étais pas le mien.

J'ai allumé un bâtonnet
D'encens, mais je n'sais pas prédire
Ce qui se, ce qui se passait.
Tous les marins de Livingstone
T'ont entraîné dans leur délire.
C'est combien, la déconne ?
C'est combien, how much?

Y'a eu des trahisons
Des coups d'poignard dans l'dos.

Pendant qu'ils vident les cargaisons
Je peux te chercher dehors.
Tant pis, tu disais bien ces mots.
Je peux les lister sans effort.

[Cut-up of strategic vocal recordings all together above some background music]

Part 2
[Narrator's rap part]
Mon brave, tu étais plein aux as
Même aux jeux les plus dégueulasses
Et on te servait des smoothies
Au milieu de toutes vos bêtises.
Je t'espionnais par désespoir.
Tu filais comme l'éclair chaque soir
Mais un jour, un débordement
T'aura fait chuter lourdement.
Les marins, je les trouvais troubles
Sauf toi, le seul à faire coup double
Me faire comprendre à coups de dés
Que tu ne faisais que foncer.
J'pensais que vous étiez gentils.
Dommage ! Tu m'taisais tout ceci
Et dans tes nuages de fumée
Tu disais vouloir arrêter.

[Cut-up goes off abruptly, gosh!]

That's what you said, mate.
Now it's too late.

Ta femme et "that man" ne faisaient
Que garder le silence, si discrets.
J'ai fouillé le quartier Saint-Paul
Maintenant, plus personne ne rigole.
Au port, ils noient par distraction
Leur chagrin dans leur inaction.

Let's remember and regret...
How much did you get?

Y'a eu des trahisons
Des coups d'poignard dans l'dos.

On te disait saltimbanque
Mais tu n'as pas su choisir.
Apparemment, oui, tu leur manques !
Pour toi : c'est partir et mourir.

Katy, Helienne, Michelle
Comment s'appelait-elle ?
Ah non, le sien m'échappe
Tes groupies me rattrapent.
Ton ex, c'est Tiffany et toi, tu étais Lee.
Je passe le bonsoir à Line
Ta femme, au soleil qui décline.

How much did you get, bro?

J'ai perdu la mémoire
Ce jour où tu t'en es allé
Puis plus rien à résoudre
Mais on m'a dit que c'était fini.
Le jour de ton départ
Je l'ignorais, j'ai pas pleuré
Et voilà, pour découdre
Le fil d'espionnage qui nous lie.

Défonce ou marin, ben tiens !
C'est pas là qu'on t'aura trouvé
C'est pas là qu'on t'aura jeté
Au loin... Des fonds sous-marins.
Ce qui se, ce qui se passait...
C'est combien, la déconne ?
Si je savais... T'en as fait des tonnes.

J'ai pris les lignes de métro
J'étouffais, j'étouffais trop.
Y'a eu des trahisons
Des coups d'poignard dans l'dos.

C'est là que j'ai su, par ici
Katy attendait sa Mini.
T'allais vider les cargaisons.
Tant pis, je ne trouve plus les mots.

How much? I probably won't know.
PracticePractic | 08-04-2020 07:03
Merci Merci Merci Celine!

Are you keeping on writing a poem you started 2 days ago?

So happy I somehow gave you a little "nudge" in a game thread back there....

So its now done! Aren't you proud of your accomplishment?

Thanks for providing a "cliff notes" version of the Poem for us English language users!

[Now if I could only grasp the subtle meanings of the French words without cheating using a translator that distorts the words, taking only one of several English translations possible.....Don't ask me about French double entendre's which are lost upon me not able to communicate fluently in your language (let alone mine!)]
love2353783 | 05-11-2020 22:32
A poem for her, let me know what you think, please? I wrote it in around 15 minutes and came back and forth changing certain things for about an hour.

I am no Poet,
I am but a simple boy.
I am not a romantic,
I am honest.
I am not a writer,
I am letting go of my feelings.
I am no artist,
I am a boy who lets his heart sing.
I am no Shakespeare,
I am but a boy in love with an Angel.
I am no Romeo,
I am but a boy, who fell for the one with a flower.
I am no god,
I am only a boy who has a goddess.
I am no king,
I am but a boy who has a queen.
I am not a fraud or a liar,
I am but a boy who found someone to be pure for.
I am not alone,
I am but a boy who has a princess that will always be there.
I am not rich, or wealthy,
I am but a boy who has everything.
I am not a man who owns it all,
I am a but a boy that is deeply in love.
I am no explorer,
I am but a boy who found the definition of perfect.
Did you know?
The world would like to know what real perfection is,
Yet, she is all mine.
For these three months, I would like you to know
I am not me, Without you
Olivia_Ka | 08-12-2020 15:00
What has destiny put between my hands yesterday morning?

Ran into The Unknown and got hooked at first listen - it'll probably sound better when April comes, like a fresh force 4-wind blowing through my hair. I'll give it a few more listens som' tim' later! One recent song I would have liked to write - Sir Martin wrote it last year. Only by seeing him, by listening to him, the English singer-lyricist pleasantly appears, although not quite, as a reflection (yes) of my favourite ex-boyfriend, with whom he shares his initials.
From my past love, I only keep the good feelings and memories. Don't you, too? But only by looking at the song title, it reminded me of a poem by the same title (The Unknown, as an unknown girl) I wrote in late September 2005, I was 20 years old, in the wake of a new love that started the year before. I remember having written it after a small concert I've been to, but I don't remember who the artist was - not one who should play the poet's part below. My poem is filled with fears, betrayal, jealousy, unfaithfulness, and, you guessed it by the narrator's "spend-more-time-with-me" thought, regret. If a colour would define the poem : dark blue, between one-night-stands, not knowing people at most and strange relationships between a poet and his muses. A good boy who lies and a bad girl who cries : that's a recurring theme in my poetry.
Sorry, no translation available, I write better in French but don't feel like translating my own poem today.

Here, the main characters are a poet and his 2 love interests/muses, all 3 of them live in the same street, one is the narrator who feels ignored because he does not know her that much (hence the title), despite inspiring him a lot, seems like he does not want to see her because his heart would beat too fast. 2 months before, in July, he may have witnessed (I like this stylish verb) the 2 girls from his window, arguing on which should go and see him first. The narrator even sneaks into his flat in the evening (in that case, not during a rainy/stormy one), while he's away with the other girl.
Now in the action : the story takes places in the early morning, the narrator knows the poet writes by candlelight, after midnight. She sneaks into his flat where he is alone, and finds him asleep after he ends writing his poem, probably exhausted from such regret of having forgotten to spend more time with the narrator (she knows he betrayed her and he knows she likes him and it would hurt him if she accused him of being unfaithful, although he does not know her much). She reads his poem in silence - and it is dedicated to her, the narrator, not to the other girl she is jealous of. No remorse, no regrets, the narrator leaves the poet sleeping alone. What would happen next? He would forgive but not forget the narrator.
Nota Bene : I had to alter a few lines from my original poem, not to make appear much sorrow and end on a hope note.


Chaque nuit, je défais ton âme
À coups de plans et de larmes.
Chaque nuit, je défais tes draps
Mais tu ne le vois pas.
Chaque jour, tu envoies des pommes
À celle qui t'émerveille
Une lettre, pas qu'on sonne
Dont on a la voix... Elle.
Tu as les yeux dans le vague
Exotique et endormi
Soudain, sans moi, tu t'évades
Tu es parti.
Les bruits de pas sont les miens
Mais le sommeil te retient.
Je suis pour toi l'inconnue
Du fond de la rue.

Tu ne remarques pas mon visage
Je me glisse en ton paysage.
Les soirs d'orage que l'on partage
Ce sont des mirages.
Dans ton cœur, la rivalité
La jalousie s'y abandonnent.
Tu caches en toi un secret
Point ne le donnes.
Tu as les yeux qui s'enflamment
Allumés et embrasés
Par celle qui, cette femme
T'a pris un baiser.
La porte était restée ouverte.
Tu es désordonné, certes.
Je suis pour toi l'inconnue
Du fond de la rue.

De tes mains, tu cherches ce qui
Te sauverait soudain la vie.
Une flamme éclaire ta bougie
Chez toi toutes les nuits.
Ton poème, sous les étoiles
Évoque celles de mes yeux
Mais parfois, quand ta voix se voile
Tu penses mieux.
Tu as les yeux sur tes poèmes
Fragiles, pâles et affaiblis
Une envie de me dire "je t'aime"
Que tu oublies.
Le souffle de vent sur la porte
T'empêche de partir, m'emporte.
Je suis pour toi l'inconnue
Du fond de la rue.

Tu tombes, frappé par le vertige
Enfin, tu m'aurais vue exquise.
Au moment où je suis arrivée
Tu es allongé.
Je regarde la flamme qui brûle
Et vois que rien n'a pris feu.
À côté de moi, dans ta bulle
Tu rêves mieux.
Et tes yeux se sont refermés
Je crois que tu as peur de moi.
En juillet, l'été dernier
Tu l'as préférée à moi.
Mon "bonsoir" te rendra plus fort.
La fin est le début, encore.
Mais je reste l'inconnue
Du fond de ta rue.
PracticePractic | 08-12-2020 15:45
Veuillez m'excuser!!!!!!!

The Unknown

The link provided above had neither lyrics to read, nor the You Tube had any song as it was about "diamonds" and other gems names and history. Is that what you intended to link to? Is there another link here that would work instead?
Olivia_Ka | 08-12-2020 15:47

Voici, cher monsieur ! But I haven't understood it yet since I've only listened to it once!
PracticePractic | 08-12-2020 22:33
Perhaps the following two (out of many!!!!!!!!!!!) media articles , will try to explain this song plus album, plus any of the confusion you AND MANY OTHERS! experienced while listening to this!


Olivia_Ka | 10-12-2020 05:01
Practice, I have already read both articles before you posted them. I had a listen again to the aforementioned song while paying somewhat more attention to his lyrics, and those have too few things in common with my poem, let's say it's unrelated despite having the same title (L'inconnue/The Unknown) - no more no less. Mine is longer and complicated. Cannot think ot anything more to say right now. Anyway, thank you,
Olivia_Ka | 11-04-2021 05:39
One I wrote on April 24, 2004. At the time, my man was an ex I had decided to resume my relationship with. He had a date with his ex behind my back, I was suspecting him of unfaithfulness at this time, but I hadn't called a detective yet - and I was still into my post-breakup depression (split from my "favourite ex" the year before). Lemons may have been my man's favourite fruit. And yes, I was drinking Lemon Diet Coke on weekends around this time, so that reflected into my poetry.
I also suspected that my ex-fiancé was in a relationship with my man's ex - it actually wasn't the case, don't remember if both our exes stood together against our couple. I imagined us, my man and I, in a garden (I meant my man as Adam) with lemons instead of apples as the "forbidden fruit" - but with each other's exes both witnessing the scene, although not in the garden, who both end with a lemon thrown into their place like the Discord apple.
I know, it's hard to talk about my man at the time, he was a sensitive one, I think he did too much for me and I didn't care enough - it wasn't my fault. Not easy when a couple doesn't live under the same roof because of age difference, also because the youngest wants to hide from the rest, since the oldest one cheats (and since the youngest's "favourite ex" is still on their mind).

Le jardin aux citrons
The lemon garden

Je me retrouve dans un jardin aux citrons
I find myself in a lemon garden
Où j'y ai perdu mon amour, lui si volage.
Where I lost my love, him so fickle.
Demain, je ne tiendrai pas compte des passions
Tomorrow, I will not care about passions
Qui t'encerclent, toi, le premier homme qui passe.
That surround you, the first man who goes around.

Je voudrais t'embrasser... Mais qui est celle-là
I would like to kiss you... Who is she, that girl
Qui te regarde, ici, ton ex-petite amie ?
Who looks at you, here, your ex-girlfriend?
Mon ex-petit ami, de l'autre côté, là
My ex-boyfriend, on the other side, there
Ce côté opposé... Pas de raison ici.
The opposite... No reason here.

Je rêve de manger un citron... Dis-moi, toi
I dream of eating a lemon... Tell, me, you
Voudrais-tu m'en cueillir un, rien que pour nous deux
Would you like to pick me one, only for us two
Et en lancer un à lui, et à elle, là ?
And throw one to him, then to here, there?

Mais oui, je te connais. Je t'ai déjà aimé
Of course, I know you. I already loved you
Avant lui, qui se tient maintenant avec elle. Nous deux
Before him, who stands beside her now. Us two
Nous resterons là sans même nous détacher.
We will remain here without even breaking away.
PracticePractic | 11-04-2021 05:54
sensitive poem
And thanks for giving us the real, meaningful translation, not the "Google" robot kind!
Nice method line by line... That way I'm picking up French words here and there again!
Olivia_Ka | 29-04-2021 06:27
Here is one I wrote yesterday, after waking up from a dream at midday/1pm. Well, to tell the truth, I've been strongly influenced by Raphaël, Steven Wilson, Claude Lemesle (Joe Dassin's lyricist), Jacques Duvall and, I realised it after I finished writing, Boris Santeff's Fin De Soirée (especially a few words of the first and last verse). Neither U2esque nor Alphanian here despite really liking and respecting their respective singers' words...

Here's the story, it could have taken place in early 2002 AMHA. The narrator, an underage girl (in her mid-teens) is forced to follow her mother until Paris, only because her father is stationed at a Ministry (National Education, although not mentioned) for the spring holidays. The girl is still dazed from the long trip she's had in the day (by train, then taking various subway lines), with too little time to eat, and then, after a small stint at a hotel to unpack the bags and going by foot to the place where her father is stationed, she faces the Minister and one of his assistants, a woman who appears to be a little older than the narrator - also the narrator's father help during his Parisian stay (she knows him more than she knows his daughter). There, the narrator realises she has 40 plastic tacks glued into a forearm and wonders where she got them, probably while sleeping in the middle of her long trip.
And so, the narrator wishes she had stayed in her hometown instead of coming to see her father during the whole week (cat included - so it would be time before Excel), and so would like to go back to her hotel instead of taking part of the conversation between her parents and her father's assistant (a librarian, that is), only because she's somewhat shy and introvert - and the narrator is part of a secret society where she can spy gambling men (I said men, not boys) and where boys (here named 'jules') are kind to her (no one would lead her to complain about domestic abuse, drunkenness or drug abuse). In the background, a 7-inch plays but it's not fully music, just ambient sounds from a village - despite having seen and liked the video on television (when she was younger), the narrator finds the instrumental song a bit boring. She had a bit of suicidal thoughts last time she had to leave her hometown because of her father's work and attempted/failed behind her parents' back... The narrator is so bored, not used to meeting important people such as the Minister and her father's assistant, that she doesn't eat and asks for more water. The only money she can get is from doing a weekly task. Not enough to have a lunch for two (her mother and her at a restaurant) before going back to the hotel. Here's the poem she would have told her father's assistant (the librarian), when they both would be alone, behind her parents' back - before all 3 head back to the hotel (and probably have dinner too).

Well, it's part truth and part fiction. The parts of truth are : going to see my father stationed in Paris during a week when I was 6 (not 16) years old, shyness, drinking flavored water, getting paid from my weekly newspaper task, being from France, not being a fan of detective series on television (since my dad often watches them on Friday nights), being told I look younger than they thought, my coworker Jules... And part of my mother's name too.

De la coupe aux lèvres
Twixt cup and lips

Je n'en veux pas de vos cigarettes russes
N'ayant l'habitude que des américaines
Idem pour ce café turc que j'ai boudé
Tout ça, mon cœur ne pourrait le supporter.
Cela m'étonne de vous, que dire de plus ?
En fait, je suis là pour au moins une semaine.
Étrange quarante-cinq-tours que vous écoutez !
C'est la BO d'un film, et je ne fais qu'entendre
Du bruit des alentours, peu de zic : me prendre
Au piège, j'ai vu le clip à la télé.
Savez-vous qui l'a composée ?

Attendez une seconde, je vous montre mon bras.
Il y a quarante taquets de plastique, tout en bas.
Je me demande encore où j'ai pu les trouver.
Peut-être dans mon sommeil, on me les a collés ?
Vous m'avez reconnue ? Oh, comme c'est étrange.
Vous connaissez mon père plus que moi, ça m'arrange.
Mais plus je vous regarde et moins je doute
Plus je ferme les yeux, moins je vous écoute.
Je me débarrasse de ces taquets plastiques
En ayant une pensée pour ceux de mon équipe
Car l'un d'eux vous a vue, après le foot
Prendre le métro ligne neuf, pont de Sèvres.

Il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres.

Écoutez-moi : notre chemin a été long
Nous avons tâtonné jusqu'à trouver les liaisons
D'une ligne à l'autre, ne faisant des issues
Que pour mater les restaurants depuis la rue.
Dans les néons, je n'ai pas vu votre visage
Mais celui de votre supérieur à l'étage
Au-dessus : il est dans ce ministère.
Je comprends pourquoi il connaît mon père.
Ne m'en voulez pas ! C'est ma timidité
Qui prend le dessus, je n'ai pas l'habitude
De faire des parallèles ou des similitudes.
À vous voir, je ne sais pas où vous caser
Parmi les livres que vous rangez.

Oui, j'ai seize ans, et alors ?
L'âge que vous me donnez est un peu moins.
Chez moi, la nuit, je zigzague entre rock
Et trip-hop comme les ados de mon époque.
Je ne vais pas trop au-dehors
Mais au moins, chaque semaine, je gagne mon pain
En portant le journal deux étages plus bas
Par rapport à chez moi, si vous saviez qui vit
Là-bas : je me tais, je m'abstiens, restez-y
En fait, je gagne dix euros pour ça.
Je ne piloterai pas un Tupolev...

Il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres.
Intérieurement, j'ai souffert
J'ai failli m'overdoser
Un jour où elle était au téléphone
Maintenant, j'espère
Que nous serons tous quatre traités
Nous et le chat qui vous étonne.

C'est simple, on profite des vacances
Pour rendre visite à mon père qui travaille là.
Ma mère et moi sommes là, avec l'ambition
De passer quelques jours pour de bon.
Oui, ne doutez pas, je viens de France
Comme vous et eux, vous le savez déjà.
Non, je ne fixe pas votre plafond
Mais uniquement vos chaises, croyez-moi !
Les romans policiers de cette dame Agatha
Ont été adaptés à la télévision.
Je n'en regarde aucun, quoi qu'il en soit.

Restez tranquille, ma chère. J'enlève
Ces taquets de plastique à l'avant-bras et lève
Mon verre à cet illustre représentant
Du service public... Mon père évidemment.
Vais-je tenir encore quelques jours ?
J'ai le mal du pays, de gré ou de force
Un regret pour aller soutenir son écorce
Me fait douter... Je scrute les alentours
Au milieu de ma fièvre.

Il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres.

Je vous en prie ! Je garde le silence
Sur le club secret qui officie le soir.
J'en fais partie, j'en sais quelque chose
Mais de vous en parler me rendrait morose.
Vous ne comprendriez rien, même en mon absence.
Si j'ai des jules, eux seuls pourraient savoir.
Aucun d'eux ne fera une déposition
Pour mauvais traitement après une défaite
L'un d'eux a une sœur qui s'apprête
À quitter l'hôpital pour revoir sa maison.
J'ai trop peur, j'en garde ma raison.

Attendez une minute, je n'ai pas très faim.
Servez-moi de l'eau aromatisée !
J'ai besoin de liquide, je hais quand elle est plate
Alors, ne me cataloguez pas de psychopathe.
C'est peine perdue, je pense que demain
Je resterai à l'hôtel au lieu de vous accompagner
Prenant soin du chat, de tout mon bien.
Je me demande pourquoi je suis allée
Ici au lieu de rester à étudier.
C'est dur et la journée s'achève...

Il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres.
Intérieurement, j'ai souffert
Alors, je ne fais que guetter
Le sous-sol où je les espionne
Ceux qui tiennent mes yeux ouverts
Ne viennent que pour jouer
Aux cartes, ce ne sont que des hommes.

Une semaine, ça va être long.
N'entrons pas dans le détail.
Je suis contente de vous avoir vue
Uniquement pour faire les présentations
Autant cacher mes failles
Et parler au lieu de m'être tue.

Au plaisir chez Ève...
Il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres.
Olivia_Ka | 07-05-2021 20:09
Here's one I wrote today, taking from U2esque and Alphanian sources of inspiration (and also from a few female singers/lyricists among others), and so not the same influences as the poem from last week, and here it's going more into freeform and mesmerizing words, so any of you would have a hundred different interpretations.

Le reflet de son absence
The reflection of his absence

Puisse cela me déranger
May this bother me
Si les gens parlent tous en même temps
If people are all talking at the same time
Alors je bois pour oublier.
So I drink to forget.

C'est dégoûtant, cette pluie qui tombe dehors
It's disgusting, this rain falling outside
Y'a eu des jours où vous étiez plus forts
There were days when you were stronger
Alors je m'accroche aux perles de sommeil
So I hold on to the pearls of sleep
Vu que ma peau peine à supporter le soleil
Since my skin can hardly stand the sun

Au guéridon, il me fait face
At the pedestal table, he faces me
Et me filme, me propose une glace
And films me, offers me an ice cream
Dois-je accepter sa demande
Should I accept his request
Ou refuser qu'on le défende ?
Or refuse to defend him?
Le gardien de mes nuits s'approche lentement
The guardian of my nights is slowly approaching
Lui seul sait que nous étions amants
Only he knows that we were lovers
Qui de nous résistera à la tentation ?
Who among us will resist temptation?
Lui ou moi d'abord ? Mais attendons
Him or me first? But let's wait
Attendons encore...
Let's wait again...

Devant elle, tant de piqûres de moustiques
In front of her, so many mosquito bites
Improvisation en dîner acoustique
Improvisation in acoustic dinner
Sacré départ, sacré détour
Sacred departure, sacred detour
Quant à moi, je fais cuire au four
As for me, I bake in the oven
Mon petit déjeuner, car je me lève tard
My breakfast, because I wake up late
Fécond flambeur furibard
Fruitful furious gambler

Il n'y a plus personne
There is not anybody
Les vautours reprennent ta place
The vultures take back your place
De menteur de première classe
Of first-class liar
Exigeant sur la donne.
Demanding on the deal.

Vous avez éteint ma flamme
You put out my flame
Je perds l'envie de continuer
I lose the desire to continue
À cause de moi, vous constatez
Because of me you find
Les mérites infâmes
The infamous merits
Je vous serre contre moi après ce jeu
I hold you close after this game
Où personne ne gagne de nous deux.
Where no one wins from both of us.

Dans ces couloirs vides où tu danses
In these empty hallways where you dance
Ta main dessine sur la vitre
Your hand draws on the glass
Le reflet de son absence
The reflection of his absence
Au milieu de votre équilibre
In the middle of your balance

Non, ce n'est pas la peine de me faire belle
No, I don't have to make myself pretty
Une cascade coule de très loin
A waterfall flows from far away
Il aurait dû rester demain
He should have stayed tomorrow
Pour embellir la vérité dans sa chapelle
To embellish the truth in its chapel

Je guéris, je guéris, je guéris
I heal, I heal, I heal
Sans lui, je serais perdue
Without him I would be lost
L'état des lieux me désespère de le voir ainsi
The state of affairs makes me despair to see it like this
Vous êtes les bienvenus !
You are welcome!
Au trou tous les souvenirs
In the hole all the memories
Et au pilon tous les regrets
And with the pestle all the regrets
Ce que nous ferons après
What we will do after
Ne regarde personne... Je sais à quoi m'y tenir.
Is nobody's business... I know what to hold onto.

Un bateau en papier qui flotte sur l'eau
A paper boat that floats on the water
En dessous de la fontaine... C'était beau.
Below the fountain ... It was beautiful.
Au guéridon, il me fait face
At the pedestal table, he faces me
Et me filme, me propose une glace
And films me, offers me an ice cream
Dois-je accepter sa demande
Should I accept his request
Ou refuser qu'on le défende ?
Or refuse to defend him?
Olivia_Ka | 05-06-2021 07:32
Bonjour! Here are some of my "subway and bus poems" I wrote in 2005/2006. I was 20 years old and had a special way to write them : a medium, cardboard-back notebook and a pen in my large bag, writing while sitting or standing before, during and after the subway/bus travel. Most of the time, my poems were untitled and filled with sentimental and dreamy lyrics. And before my notebook was stolen, I would remove a page each time and use the stapler to keep it in a larger notebook!

The first one is about my ex-fiancé Martinien (Matie) B. I apparently dreamt of him and though my post-breakup depression was over, our breakup lingered.

Untitled (Voyage impossible/Impossible travel), written on November 30, 2005

Entre lui et moi
Between him and me
It was
Trop dur à dire
Too hard to say
Et il fallait nous retenir
And we had to hold back
Mais il était trop tard
But it was too late
Bien sûr
For sure
Il est parti
He left
Car je l'ai fait partir
Because I made him leave
Trop dur à dire
Too hard to say

Trop de temps a passé
Too much time has passed
Je ne peux pas m'en détacher
I can't get away from it

J'ai rêvé de lui
I dreamt of him
Cette nuit
That night
Et où est-il ?
And where is he?
Son retour me semble impossible
His return seems impossible to me
Jamais de retour
Never return

C'est sûr
It's sure
Et il me manque
And I miss him
Il n'y aura pas de nouvelle
There will be no new
Histoire entre nous
Story between us
C'est dire si souvent je l'appelle
That is to say so often I call him
J'y pense plus, et vous ?
I don't think about it anymore, and you?

Deux ans et demi sont passés
Two and half years have passed
Je ne peux pas m'en détacher
I can't get away from it
Si jamais on se revoyait
if we ever saw each other again
Je lui dirais que je l'ai aimé.
I would tell him that I loved him.

The second was inspired by another couple. I cannot remember exactly what happened to them, but I must have written this on a Thursday. Would Anaïs challenge Éric when they joined each other on Thursday evenings at the same place?

Untitled (Je promets/I promise), written on December 1, 2005

Encore une fois, je vais ici
Again, I go here
Je suis sûre, y'a rien qui m'ennuie
I'm sure there's nothing that bothers me
Toi qui me suis, viens derrière moi
You who follow me, come behind me
Tu effaces les larmes qui coulent sur moi
You erase the tears that fall on me
Et soudain, la poursuite
And suddenly the pursuit
Commence enfin, et là
Finally begins, and there
On se défie, on se rallie, on se défie, on se rallie
We challenge each other, we rally, we challenge each other, we rally

La route du jeudi se finit bien
Thursday's road ends well
La course en pleine nuit nous prend les mains
The race in the middle of the night takes our hands
De notre amour, j'écrirai tout jusqu'à la fin
Of our love, I will write everything until the end
Et tu comprends tout, j'essaie au moins, au moins.
And you understand everything, I try at least, at least.

Je promets de me plier à tout
I promise to comply with everything
Ce que tu dis, même le plus fou
That you say, even the craziest
Je sais ce qui nous prend au corps
I know what takes us to the body
"Anaïs" et "Éric", nos deux noms, encore.
"Anais" and "Eric", our two names, again.
Et soudain, la poursuite
And suddenly the pursuit
Continue, et c'est la fuite
Keeps going, and it's the flight
Je te rallie, je te défie, je te rallie, je te défie
I rally you, I challenge you, I rally you, I challenge you

La route du jeudi se finit bien
Thursday's road ends well
La course de la nuit nous prend les mains
The night's run takes our hands
De notre amour, tu chantes tout jusqu'à la fin
Of our love, you sing everything until the end
Et je comprends tout, tu sais du moins, du moins.
And I understand everything, you know at least, at least.

Si je te défie, tu me rallieras
If I challenge you, you will rally me
J'ai encore tenu à aller là-bas.
I still wanted to go there.

La route du jeudi se finit bien
Thursday's road ends well
La course de la nuit nous prend les mains
The night's run takes our hands
De notre amour, tu chantes tout, j'écris jusqu'à la fin
Of our love, you sing everything, I write until the end
Nous comprenons tout, on sait du moins.
We understand everything, at least we know.
La route du jeudi se finit bien
Thursday's road ends well
La course de la nuit nous prend les mains
The night's run takes our hands
De notre amour, j'écris tout, tu chantes jusqu'à la fin
Of our love, I write everything, you sing until the end
Nous comprenons tout, on sait du moins, du moins.
We understand everything, we know at least, at least.
Olivia_Ka | 06-06-2021 08:04
Re-bonjour ! Two other poems from 2006. Not one of those I wrote while in the subway or waiting for the bus, and forgot to say this yesterday : I had no earphones/headphones on while writing them, and I don't think I had a small radio set at the time. (I usually turn the music/radio off while writing poems)

The first was written on New Year's Day in my medium, cardboard-back notebook, but not as a "subway and bus poem", I was at my auntie's and sitting in her bedroom while writing. Cannot remember what this poem was about.

written on January 1, 2006

On n'est plus que sept depuis que
There are only seven of us since
Tu nous laisses sur le carreau.
You leave us on the floor.
Mais depuis, on sait ce qui vient
But since then, we know what's coming
Sept est un mauvais numéro.
Seven is a bad number.

Et tant pis pour toi, mon ami
And too bad for you, my friend
Je ne pensais pas à la fin
I didn't think of the end
Et j'ai cette impression qu'ici
And I have this feeling that here
On ne se donne plus la main.
We no longer hold hands.

Je te crie : Attends, attends-moi
I scream at you : Wait, wait for me
Attends, viens vers moi
Wait, come to me
J'ai honte de te voir partir
I'm ashamed to see you go
Notre amitié va se finir.
Our friendship will end.

Seven, same story.
Je m'ennuie, c'est fini.
I'm bored, it's over.
Ah, quand j'y repense, tu ne reviendras pas.
Ah, when I think about it, you won't be coming back.

The second isn't from that notebook - I wrote it sometime in March 2006 but haven't written the date, after March 4 and before March 25. The narrator is a clumsy girl, she doesn't answer the phone because she thinks it's a threat, she gets burned on the forehead by another girl who smokes, and a nearby storm caused a fire. And to avoid facing the same situations again and again, the only thing she wants is sleeping on a block of ice! I don't remember if I had a big big headache while writing that!

Calme avant la tempête

Je suis, heurt après heurt, la cible d'un appel.
I am, hit after hit, the target of a call.
Je préfère ne pas répondre au téléphone.
I prefer not to answer the phone.
Je me fais mal au coude droit, à la main gauche
I hurt my right elbow, my left hand
Mais jamais je ne comprends toute cette haine.
But I never understand all this hatred.

Hier soir, sur le front, quelque chose m'a fait mal.
Last night, on the forehead, something hurt me.
Brûlure de cigarette ! J'en ai encore la trace.
Cigarette burn! I still have traces of it.
La fille s'est excusée poliment, normal.
The girl apologized politely, normal.
Soir après soir, je sombre dans l'inefficace.
Night after night, I sink into ineffectiveness.

J'ai perdu le contrôle. L'orage menace
I lost control. The storm threatens
Le feu crépite, le tonnerre gronde encore.
The fire crackles, the thunder still rumbles.
Mais ça, un torrent ne serait pas assez fort.
But that, a torrent would not be strong enough.

Un verre d'eau suffit à calmer la tempête.
A glass of water is enough to calm the storm.
Je m'étends sur le lit et il est plein de glace.
I lie on the bed and it is full of ice.
Mes coups et mes brûlures s'enfuient, je suis prête.
My blows and my burns flee, I'm ready.
Olivia_Ka | 11-06-2021 20:48
From an extreme fear, was born this "suite in 4 movements for strings", I was just 20. It involved a few of my "friends" at the time, some of them disapproved each other's attitude. I was into a spiral of disappointment/misunderstanding/treachery/wrongdoing and couldn't get out easily. And no, I had no suicidal thoughts at all while writing, I did this suite as a way to overcome a long-time fear (feeling like the story was repeating itself). All were written on September 13, 2005, on a Tuesday evening. I guess my influences were either Thom Yorke or Gérard de Nerval, and probably Falling Without You - Longview, too.
Sally "Sal" was a girl who cheated on Laurent (the "jealous lover") and Christelle was a girl who defied him, despite Katia being Laurent's best friend. As if I feared of facing Christelle ("the brunette spy") in duel and sent Katia ("the blonde mannequin") instead. A small duet appears as the second movement - my then-boyfriend Stefy would come and comfort me when it was over, but would not support me beforehand (shame). But there was actually no duel between Christelle and Katia.
So I underwent 5 blood tests in a row that September 15, 2005, it went well but I didn't think it would last so long (1 hour 15 minutes), having my blood drawn every 15 minutes! (I would have encouragement from my coworkers Katia and Jules on that day, to overcome my fear - and thanked them afterwards. They both know my fears, especially the one of blood tests, and are still good friends 15 years later.)

1 - Dernier quartier

J'avance vers la porte, indécise, un doute.
Toute une mauvaise histoire a bien changé le cours.
Mais, avec la jonction sur une fausse route
Il fallait mettre fin à tout, même à l'amour.

Jeudi, je me livrerai à un combat mortel
Celui entre le bien, Christelle, et le mal, Katia.
Et moi, ce sera moins dangereux à l'échelle
Tous les trois ans, je sais ce qui m'arrivera.

Thérapie du hasard, et l'amoureux jaloux
Poursuivant mes idées, son amie, son ennemie
Mais on sait qu'il dit rien, car il est bien trop soûl.

C'est le dernier quartier. Une mort en direct
Mais personne ici ne finit au paradis.
Jeudi soir, le sourire sera sur mes lèvres.

2 - Perles

Ces perles qui coulent le long de ton visage
Reflètent l'innocence que tu caches, vivante.
L'océan de nos vies a capté la descente
Aux ennuis, je t'empêche d'aller au rivage.

Ces perles qui ornent le collier que tu as
Montrent aussi cette déception que je comprends.
Bientôt, tu te noieras au fond d'un océan
Noirâtre : je m'enflammerai rien que pour toi.

Blessée par un couteau, je serai derrière toi
Mon amour : n'oublie pas cette promesse-là
On va se perdre encore, je partirai là-bas.

Mais si jamais je vois que tu ne te noies pas
Je viendrai m'étendre tout à côté de toi
On ne sera pas morts : je craque encore pour toi.

3 - Rupture(s)

"J'ai fini mon service et ce n'est pas par là
Ma direction." Le taxi vient de me le dire
Je rentre à la maison, déçue par tout, par ça
Et je me dis : "Elle veut me faire mourir".

Cependant à Toulon, l'ex de Sal Palmerston
Descendra tous les escaliers et en courant.
Déborah, sa chauffeuse, sortira avec lui
Direction : champ de blé, et la fin est ici.

Laurent et moi avons une seule ennemie
La méchante Christelle, qui dit "Je fais le bien"
Parfois, je me demande si elle nous contredit.

Après le combat, je retrouve mon amour
Mais Laurent et Sally, eux, ne reçoivent rien
Leur histoire est finie, est finie pour toujours.

4 - Menace et ennemie

J'ai encore très peur. Je sens la fin venir.
Il y a une ennemie qui m'envoie des menaces.
Une seule ennemie veut me faire mourir :
Christelle. Mes amis resteront à leurs places.

En face d'elle est Katia, une blonde aux yeux bleus
Et voilà Christelle, qui est brune aux yeux verts.
L'une des deux devra vraiment sauver, sous peu
Sa peau : et moi, je dois sauver mon cœur, ma terre.

Je supporte Christelle : car sur sa liste noire
Laurent et Bertrand sont les deux qu'elle menace
Et moi, depuis lundi, je devrais lui faire face.

Ne pouvant être là, j'ai envoyé Katia
La mannequin contre l'espionne, l'abattoir
Et je vous préviens tous : personne ne mourra.

OK, for the translations now.

1 - Last quarter

I walk towards the door, undecided, in doubt.
A whole bad story changed the course.
But, with the junction on a wrong road
Everything had to be ended, even love.

Thursday I will fight to the death
The one between good, Christelle, and evil, Katia.
And me, it will be less dangerous on the scale
Every three years I know what will happen to me.

Chance therapy, and the jealous lover
Pursuing my ideas, his friend, his enemy
But we know he's not saying anything, because he's way too drunk.

This is the last quarter. A live death
But no one here ends up in paradise.
Thursday evening, a smile will be on my lips.

2 - Pearls

These pearls that run down your face
Reflect the innocence you hide, alive.
The ocean of our lives has caught the descent
In trouble, I will prevent you from going to the shore.

These pearls that adorn the necklace that you have
Also show this disappointment that I understand.
Soon you'll drown to the bottom of a dark
Ocean : I will ignite just for you.

Wounded by a knife, I'll be behind you
My love : don't forget this promise
We're going to get lost again, I'll go there.

But if I ever see that you don't drown
I will come and lie down right next to you
We will not be dead : I still fall for you.

3 - Breakup(s)

"I finished my shift and it's not there
My direction." The taxi just told me that
I come home, disappointed by everything, by this
And I say to myself : "She wants to kill me".

However in Toulon, the ex of Sal Palmerston
Will go down all the stairs and running.
Deborah, his driver, will go out with him
Direction : wheat field, and the end is here.

Laurent and I have only one enemy
The wicked Christelle, who says "I do good"
Sometimes I wonder if she's contradicting us.

After the fight, I find my love again
But Laurent and Sally, them, do not receive anything
Their story is over, is over forever.

4 - Threat and enemy

I'm still very scared. I feel the end coming.
There is an enemy sending threats to me.
Only one enemy wants to kill me :
Christelle. My friends will stay in their places.

In front of her is Katia, a blonde with blue eyes
And here is Christelle, who is brunette with green eyes.
One of the two will have to really save, soon
Her skin : and I must save my heart, my land.

I support Christelle : because on her blacklist
Laurent and Bertrand are the two she threatens
And me, since Monday, I should face her.

Unable to be there, I sent Katia
The mannequin against the spy, the slaughterhouse
And I warn you all : no one will die.
PracticePractic | 11-06-2021 22:18
Thanks, Céline for putting all the French version and English versions together! While I love the method of line by line so I can pick up more French words by association 1:1 with the English ones (unless they are out of order due to differences in grammar!) This way is preferable to reading and keeping the cadence of the paragraphs in their all one language formats.

Only can award the whole post: one like......(maybe if you posted them as French and then English I can like them twice?) But then again that is more work.

OK, for the translations now.

Just out of curiosity I post the first paragraph the way the auto-translator on LetsSingIt website did it vs your English version below (for Paragraph 1) interesting to note it chooses different meanings for the same French words, which can change the way and sound and feeling of the verse! So its much better reading YOUR English choices for words than using the auto suggestions!
Don't you agree?

1 - Last quarter

I walk towards the door, indecisive, in doubt.
A whole bad story changed the course.
But, with the junction on a wrong road
It was necessary to put an end to everything, even to love.

Thursday, I will engage in a mortal combat
that between the good, Christelle, and the evil, Katia.
And me, it will be less dangerous on the scale
Every three years I know what will happen to me.

Therapy of chance, and the jealous lover
Pursuing my ideas, his friend, his enemy
But we know he says nothing, because he is far too drunk.

This is the last quarter. A live death
But no one here ends up in Heaven.
Thursday evening, a smile will be on my lips.

and your version
(I copied all of #1 there, both times,
...but compare the first paragraph of verse 1 to 1, most interesting differences are there)

1 - Last quarter

I walk towards the door, undecided, in doubt.
A whole bad story changed the course.
But, with the junction on a wrong road
Everything had to be ended, even love.

Thursday I will fight to the death
The one between good, Christelle, and evil, Katia.
And me, it will be less dangerous on the scale
Every three years I know what will happen to me.

Chance therapy, and the jealous lover
Pursuing my ideas, his friend, his enemy
But we know he's not saying anything, because he's way too drunk.

This is the last quarter. A live death
But no one here ends up in paradise.
Thursday evening, a smile will be on my lips.
Olivia_Ka | 13-06-2021 10:56
Hello again. Well, I posted the translation below all 4 parts since I did a suite last time. Sorry Practice, haven't used the translator here. Hmmm... I know some writers are into novels, but I have been into poetry for some 20 years now. Yes I know, one can put one "like" only on my posts, but more appreciation from more people here would be kindly welcome.

Here's one I wrote in a blue notebook during summer holiday. July 31, 2005. Again, I was 20 years old, into spiritual sought and reflections while my group of friends, who lived in apartements in big cities and also used to party and have fun (that included, more or less : to smoke/travel a lot/drink), have inspired some of my poems by their relationships. I was less shy each time I was in a relationship, too.
A dream of independence during two days, that turns to leaving the hometown (the narrator, a twentysomething, not telling his parents he would leave in their absence - not caring about what they'd think when they are back home without finding him) to go on holiday alone, and find a couple of friends over there before going home the next evening.


Respirer un grand coup, sauter dans le train
Take a deep breath, jump on the train
Avant qu'il ne démarre, chercher un endroit clos.
Before it starts, look for an enclosed area.
Lorsque j'y arrivais, je descendais enfin
When I got there, I was finally going down
Dans cet endroit où je suis venu, en ado.
In this place where I came, as a teenager.

C'est le 13 juillet, les gens sont en vacances
It's July 13th, people are on vacation
Moi en particulier. Je trouvais une place
Me in particular. I found a place
Quelque part sur la plage et j'étais en avance.
Somewhere on the beach and I was ahead.
Mon sac était sur mon dos, pas dans une impasse.
My bag was on my back, not in a dead end.

J'ai fait une fugue. Le ciel s'est éclairci
I ran away. The sky has cleared
Et derrière moi, je vis certains de mes amis
And behind me, I saw some of my friends
Arriver et sourire, et parler avec moi.
Come in and smile, and talk to me.

Ils m'invitèrent chez eux, dans l'après-midi
They invited me to their home, in the afternoon
Et le lendemain soir, enfin, je repartis
And the next evening, finally, I left
N'oubliant pas mon sac, mon cœur est feu de joie.
Not forgetting my bag, my heart is bonfire.

This one was written on August 29, 2005 in the same notebook. Here it's more adult, it's unclear if the 2 characters are "boy and girl", "boy and boy" or "girl and girl", anyway, one has to go to war/work abroad/etc. and the other (the narrator) is worried about their last night together - anyway, the scene takes place on a late autumn/early winter night. And again, the narrator would like to lie on snow at the end after so much warmth!

Feux affolés
Distraught fires

Demain tu pars et moi je reste.
Tomorrow you are leaving and I will stay.
D'accord, passons la nuit ensemble.
Alright, let's spend the night together.
Nos cœurs battants, défais ta veste
Our beating hearts, undo your jacket
Et courons tous deux dans les landes.
And let's both run in the moors.

Tu m'embrasses et mes lèves brûlent.
You kiss me and my lips are burning.
Tu as mis le feu à mon cœur
You set my heart on fire
Ça peut te sembler ridicule
It may seem ridiculous to you
Je m'ignifuge quand j'ai peur.
I fireproof myself when I'm afraid.

Ce feu est un feu affolé.
This fire is a distraught one.
Mes doigts chauffent, je sens les braises
My fingers heat up, I feel the embers
Glisser le long de ton pull beige.
Slip down your beige sweater.

Mets de l'ordre dans tes idées.
Put your mind in order.
Je vais me noyer dans la neige
I'm going to drown in the snow
Me refroidir, que tu me plaises.
To cool me down, so that I like you.
Olivia_Ka | 13-06-2021 13:55
One I wrote in early October 2005. In French. If I had to put music on it, it'd have a long outro. This was written as a memory of a local band that had a lot of changes in their lineup that year, including the departure of the former female singer and the male bassist (who joined earlier that year) chosen as the main songwriter. (Oh well, I wasn't in that band anyway, anytime)

À bon port, tu pars
Safe, you're leaving

Il ne faut pas que tu partes
You don't have to go
Évitons que nos cœurs se séparent
Let's keep our hearts from parting
J'ai tout admiré, tu es celle
I admired everything, you are the one
Que j'ai tant voulu au naturel
That I wanted so naturally
Mais que faire, dès demain
But what to do, from tomorrow
Si tu pars au matin ?
If you leave in the morning?
Demain matin, le ciel sera noir
Tomorrow morning, the sky will be black
Il n'y a pas de part.
There is no part.

De retour à bon port
Back safely
Il n'y aura pas de rapport
There will be no report
Avec toute notre histoire
With all our history
Le soleil s'en ira
The sun will go away
Et toi, ne m'oublie pas
And you don't forget me
Dis-moi que ce n'est pas la mer à boire
Tell me it's not a big deal
Mais c'est déjà la fin
But it's already the end
Dès demain...
From tomorrow...
Tu partiras vraiment sans moi
You will really leave without me
Je resterai là.
I will stay there.

Il y a eu nos journées d'été
There were our summer days
Que nous avions tant appréciées.
That we had enjoyed so much.
Toutes ces journées au soleil
All those days in the sun
Je te disais "Tu m'émerveilles".
I told you "You amaze me".
Maintenant tout est terminé
Now it's all over
Et demain, tu vas t'en aller
And tomorrow you will go away
Me laissant seul ici
Leaving me alone here
Et tu seras partie.
And you will be gone.

De retour à bon port
Back safely
Il n'y aura pas de rapport
There will be no report
Avec toute notre histoire
With all our history
Le soleil s'en ira
The sun will go away
Et toi, évanescente
And you, evanescent
Tu me précipites dans la descente
You rush me down the hill
Je frôle la décadence
I border on decadence
J'arrête la danse...
I stop dancing...
Tu t'en iras vraiment sans moi
You will really go without me
Et je reste là.
And I stay there.

And I would like to share a short poem I have written around 9:30 am in August 6, 2006. Dedicated to my cat Rafia that couldn't go on holiday with us, and I was patient enough for a few days before going home and seeing her again!

J'aimerais tellement te revoir
I would love to see you again
Dedicated to Rafia

J'aimerais tellement te revoir
I would love to see you again
Petite amie, comprendras-tu ?
Little friend, will you understand?
Si ces temps-ci, je broie du noir
If these days, I'm brooding
Ne crois pas que je n't'aime plus.
Don't think I don't love you anymore.

Tant à frôler le désespoir
So close to despair
De ne pas te voir en journée
Not to see you during the day
C'est dans mes rêves, tard le soir
It's in my dreams, late at night
Que je t'ai enfin retrouvée.
That I finally found you.

Viens vers moi, mon amie, et dis-moi
Come to me, my friend, and tell me
Que tu m'as tellement manquée
That I missed you so much
Et j'aurais tant aimé rester.
And I would have liked so much to stay.

Ce poème en cadeau pour toi
This poem as a gift for you
Montre comment j'aime les chats
Shows how I love cats
Toi, Rafia en particulier.
You, Rafia in particular.
Olivia_Ka | 23-06-2021 16:24
A string of poems I've written between 2003 and 2009. Because I'm busy today, I'll post a few others sometime later. The first is about the split of a group of friends and the end of a couple at the same time.

La fin d'une époque
The end of an era
(written on August 7, 2005)

Drapeaux baissés, l'alarme a sonné. Terminée
Flags lowered, the alarm has sounded. Finished
Cette époque, car sa mort a enfin sonné.
This time, because its death has finally sounded.
Yeux baissés, mains croisées, le temps s'est arrêté
Eyes down, hands crossed, time has stood still
Le mois de juin aussi. En 2000 on était.
The month of June too. In 2000 we were.

Nos deux camps ont perdu, et le nôtre en premier.
Our two camps lost, and ours first.
Cold&Sun, notre groupe, est déjà séparé.
Cold & Sun, our group, is already separated.
C'est la fin d'une époque, la fin de l'aventure
It's the end of an era, the end of the adventure
La fin de mon amour, brisées les devantures.
The end of my love, broken the storefronts.

Trente juin deux mille. C'était il y a cinq ans.
June 30, 2000. It was 5 years ago.
L'époque est révolue, est effacée, pourtant
The days are over, are erased, yet
Deux ou trois survivants reviennent parmi nous.
Two or three survivors come back among us.

Treize jours plus tard, j'en avais pris un grand coup.
Thirteen days later, I had taken a big hit.
Il ne faut pas le dire : croyez-moi, cette histoire
You don't have to say it: believe me, this story
Commence à s'effacer de toutes nos mémoires.
Begins to fade from all our memories.

The second is based on real facts. One of my first poems. The "paradise bird" could have been my ex Matie B., actually this poem isn't about him.

Ennui et désespoir dans la nuit
Boredom and despair in the night
(written in December 2003)

Bon, dis-moi, qu'est-ce que tu fais là, toi ?
Okay, tell me, what are you doing here?
J'ai aimé ton physique, je t'ai trouvé classe
I liked your physique, I found you classy
Je m'y perds. À cause de toi.
I am confused. Because of you.
Je m'ennuie, je me dis : ça tient pas la trace.
I'm bored, I say to myself: it does not hold the mark.
Du coup, je retrouve la pénurie.
Suddenly, I find the shortage.

Tu n'as pas entendu, cachottier ?
Didn't you hear, secretive?
Tu es l'oiseau de paradis
You are the bird of paradise
Qui aime se baigner ou s'abriter
Who likes to bathe or take shelter
Chez moi, à tes risques et périls.
At my home, at your own risk.
Je préfère rester seule
I prefer to be alone
À écouter de la musique
Listening to music
Même si cela m'ennuie
Even though it bothers me
Rien en cela ne m'affole.
Nothing about that scares me.

Ah ! Les baignades... Ah ! Les nuits d'amitié...
Ah! Swimming... Ah! Friendship nights...
Cela a duré près de deux semaines.
It lasted almost two weeks.
Mais rien ne t'a ennuyé
But nothing bothered you
On devrait interdire de faire passer ses peines.
We should not allow passing our sentences.
Ah, l'ennui et la peur
Ah, boredom and fear
Le désespoir dans la nuit
Despair in the night
Je te trouve très menteur
I find you very liar
Et cependant joli.
And yet pretty.

Je ne fais que penser à toi.
I'm just thinking of you.
Si tu reviens là, parler à moi
If you come back there, talk to me
Je ne saurai plus ce que tu dis là.
I will no longer know what you are saying there.
Olivia_Ka | 24-06-2021 16:50
Promised you a few more... Maybe a few others tonight. Here is one I wrote during summer holiday, about an IT manager, but he was very busy and a bit old for me! Actually, he was my then-boyfriend's business partner at the time and both had the same first name - so, my then-boyfriend was the youngest of the pair. Pronounced : sta-ka-tee.

(written on July 31, 2005)

Je le voyais souvent certains vendredi soirs.
I often saw him on some Friday nights.
Je lui avais promis de déclarer sa flamme.
I had promised him to declare his love.
Il ne m'a pas comprise, il s'appelait Stéphane
He didn't understand me, his name was Stéphane
Ou Stachathy, le blond. Le ciel était si noir.
Or Stachathy, the blond. The sky was so dark.

Il avait les yeux verts. Sur le bord de la place
He had green eyes. On the edge of the square
Nous allions voir les oiseaux et la ville entière
We were going to see the birds and the whole city
Mais toujours Stachathy avait les yeux en l'air.
But still Stachathy had his eyes in the air.
Il ne m'écoutait pas. Il a perdu la face.
He wasn't listening to me. He has lost face.

Je voulais son amour et aussi sa confiance.
I wanted his love and also his trust.
De lui, je ne récoltais qu'illusions perdues
From him, I only gathered lost illusions
Sens interdits dépassés et peines, déçue.
Forbidden senses exceeded and penalties, disappointed.

Responsable informatique, je l'ai quitté
IT manager, I left him
Car il m'aurait dit de le laisser tranquille.
Because he would have told me to leave him alone.
La vie sans Stachathy était sans sa défiance.
Life without Stachathy was without his mistrust.

And a short poem (Vénus) written in August 2005. Inspired by The Velvet Underground.

Veille sur moi
Éclaire mes nuits
Noie le poisson
Un éclair et la pluie
Sont l'orage


Flamme qui brûle
Une perle sous ma main
Romantique à souhait
Saurais-je m'y trouver ?
POP OUT SAVE saving ...
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