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Crsitina | 03-10-2002 21:21
For all of you who knew Malena:
She's passed away last September 23rd. She was hitten by a drunk driver. After fighting in the hospital against death for several weeks, her body has finally surrendered but her spirit is still alive.
I was her best friend and I can't stop crying. She was my everything.......I thought I had to tell you, although I don't know you, because you were a little piece of her life.
Please excuse my english. Best wishes to you all.
10 comentários
Plantagenet | 04-10-2002 07:57

I've noteced whe hasn't been around lately, but I really didn't expect this!
It really isn't fair! She was such a nice person! How can people do this to each other!
My hands are really shaking now, I don't know what to say!
I'll think a lot of here, and I know she won't forget us and certainly not you, cristina.

Cristina, I hope the best for you. In time you tears will pass, but I know the grief won't go away that easily. As long as you remember the good times you had whit her and never forget about her. She'll be around somewhere, smiling at you and she'll be there when times get rough.

I'll think about her, and the people who are mourning and in a lot of pain.

I hope everybody does...

Malena, I'll miss you, but I hope you're at a better place now, wherever that may be. I hope you're happy...
Bye, Malena, I'll see you around some day...
Merlin | 04-10-2002 12:01
This is very upsetting news for Malena was one of the kindest and sweetest people Ive encountered in my life.

She will be missed.
Masterful_Ally | 04-10-2002 13:21
It is shocking and upsetting when something like this happens someone you know or have contact with, especially when you know they were a good and interesting person. It brings it all to close to home.
My thoughts are with all Malena's close friends and family.

LatinLockito | 04-10-2002 17:02
Aunque no la conocía en persona, puedo imaginar que era una buena chica, linda, graciosa, divertida, por la forma como escribía podría decir q era una chica estupenda, te juro que cuando abrí la página decidí ver este post primero porque vi su nombre como tema y jamás pensé encontrarme con una noticia como esta, te juro q se me salen lágrimas, no puedo evitarlo, puedo imaginar cómo te sientes, yo también perdí un amigo de la infancia hace unos años, no es justo q pasen estas cosas a alguien tan joven como ella, espero q el maldito miserable que causó esto pase el resto de su vida en la carcel. No puedo olvidar ahora las palabritas de bienvenida a este forum q me dio ella cuando recién escribía aquí, lo siento tanto, de verdad lo siento, personas como ella son la clase de personas que todos quisieramos tener alrededor, anímate en los recuerdos de los momento q pasaron juntas del placer de haber disfrutado de su compañía y compartir tantas cosas juntas, de erdad que lo siento mucho...
and for those who always speak of God, where was he when this happent, where was he!!!
LatinLockito | 04-10-2002 18:06
Que se puede decir del sentimiento hacia una persona que no conoces, sino a través de un monitor y unas cuantas letras, cómo pueden los corazones acercarse tanto, que sientes el dolor del otro en carne propia, en este tiempo de distancias acortadas sólo quienes están aquí conocen el poder de la amistad, hay quienes no entenderían, pero es como lo siento, pueden preguntarse cómo es posible que algo afecte a alguien tanto así, si es que no es parte de la vida cotidiana, y al margen de que tus simpatías sean correspondidas o no, queda la verdad de un sentimiento sincero hacia una persona que compartió parte de su vida y sus alegrías con todos nosotros, no veo cómo alguien pueda no decir que no lo pegó una bala a su corazón, que no se estremeció con esto, pero la niña que se fue, va a quedarse por siempre en nuestros corazones y en nuestra memoria, puede sonar estúpido para muchos pero es parte de lo que quisiera Malena supiera y también todos aquellos que tuvieron el privilegio de conocerla, soy así, no de piedra, no puedo decir un simple lo siento, tenía que escribir esto.
Si de verdad hay un Dios, realmente espero que ella esté con él, en un lugar mejor que este mundo, y si puede leer esto, espero que se sienta contenta de saber que gente tan distanciada de su vida, realmente la apreciaba.

What can you say about the feeling towards a person that u don't know, but trough a monitor and a few letters, how can the hearts approach as much that u feel the pain of the other in own meat, in this time of shortened distances only who are here know the power of friendship, there are some, that would not understand, but is how I feel it, you can asked how it is possible that something affects to somebody as much thus, if is that it is not part of the daily life, and at the margin that your affections are corresponded or not, it remains the truth of a sincere feeling towards a person who shared part of her life and her joys with all of us, I don't see how can somebody not say that a bullet stick his/her heart, that did not shake with this, but the girl that went away, is going to remain always in our heart and in our memory, it can sound stupid for many, but it is part of which I wanted Malena knew and also all those that had the privilege to knew her, I am thus, I'm not made from stone, I can't say a simple one "I felt it, I'm sorry", I had to write this.
If there is a God, I really hope she's with him, in a better place than this world, and if she can read this I hope she feel happy to know that people so distanced of her life really appreciate her so much.
LatinLockito | 04-10-2002 18:18
and i think that i speak for everyone here, whenever you feel lonely, here we are, you can write us whatever you want Cristina
lucky_bob | 05-10-2002 07:49
I know it's inappropriate language but.... shit.

I'm lost for words...
a_JOCK_4_me | 05-10-2002 09:16
it is always weird if someone is just gone. even it is only someone from a messageboard.
i can not comprehend what death really means. to me it's like the person has just moved away or doesn't have internet access anymore.
pesh_is_fresh | 06-10-2002 02:17
OMG! That is the saddest thing i have heard in the longest time. I was gone for a while because of school and such and was just about to start a post about everything that i have missed since i was gone...and i saw this . This has truly made me sad. Malena was the greatest. She started one of the first game posts on here and her creativity will live on in the forum for a long time i hope! I will make sure of that! But i know that malena would not want us to cry over her so i will smile as i think back on a great person. Our window to argentina.
girlie | 08-10-2002 07:18
This is a really sad day for me. I haven't been on here for about a week. I was one of the lucky ones who got to know a bit about Melena and just so you all know, it's pronounced 'Melay-na', not Meleena...I think she'd want people to know that...Well I certainly shed a tear.
SAIR SALVE salvando ...
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