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Selected Poems Of Mine

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Olivia_Ka | 13-07-2021 14:35
Not to pollute the Poem Corner everytime, I decided to do my own thread for poems I've written ages ago. Of course, my new ones will be welcome too, in the Poem Corner probably. I am used to write my poetry in French so I write the translation below, all right?

La citadine
The city car
(written on January 26, 2004)

Je suis la seule à m'en aller
I'm the only one leaving
Vendredi soir, le long de la rue
Friday night, along the street
Et de là, je vais m'éloigner
And from there, I'm going to walk away
Pour oublier les ennuis que j'ai eus.
To forget the troubles I had.

Il fait sombre, mais je sais où je vais.
It's dark, but I know where I'm going.
On ne m'appelle pas, on ne m'effraie pas
They don't call me, they don't scare me
Et je sais aussi où je me trouverai
And I also know where I'll be
Dans quelques heures, j'en parlerai bien à qui que ce soit.
In a few hours, I'll talk to anyone about it.

Me voilà, j'entre sans bruit.
Here I am, I enter quietly.
Passant en coup de vent devant les invités
Winding past the guests
Aucun ne m'appelle mais un seul me suit
No one calls me but only one follows me
Avant de se rendre compte de ma fidélité.
Before realizing my loyalty.

Pas de remontrances, mais de jolies choses
No reprimands, but pretty things
Cela, je le sais maintenant depuis samedi.
I have known this now since Saturday.
Depuis une semaine, personne ne me propose
For a week, no one has offered me
D'aller dans une soirée, car je n'aime aller qu'ici.
To go to a party, because I only like to go here.
12 komentarze
Olivia_Ka | 14-07-2021 08:51
I used to write poems in English during my post-breakup depression in late 2003/early 2004. Here's a poem about a male DJ, but the narrator doesn't go to his discothèque.

Jeremy on my side
(written on January 2, 2004)

At night, he never sleeps, I'm like him.
Have you, people, already seen
This black-haired boy with nut-brown eyes?
I'm sure he'd be soon by my side.
He's Jeremy, he works as a DJ
But I never go out at night
As I prefer to be cold in the light.

There's something different.
Jeremy starts at 10 at night and ends at 5 in the morning.
At 5, I'm going sleeping.
I listened to the radio but it wasn't him playing.
He started on this Saturday evening.

Oh buddy, you turn my head around!
Would I ever smoke with you, get a drink
Or get in your party very late, I think?

How could my friends, Cristel, Sylvie and Vega
Be mad about you, as Misti comes playing for a quarter of an hour?
And me, how could I love you?
Olivia_Ka | 17-07-2021 10:45
A poem written during my post-breakup depression days.

Mon dernier samedi à Swansea
My last Saturday in Swansea
(written on February 25, 2004)

Samedi 9 août, Swansea, je suis seule.
Saturday, August 9h, Swansea, I am alone.
Mes derniers jours en Irlande le mois dernier, au Pays de Galles en août.
My last days in Ireland last month, Wales in August.
J'aurais bien voulu qu'on m'apporte des fleurs
I wish they brought me flowers
Mais personne n'a osé, ô bénéfice du doute.
But no one dared, oh benefit of the doubt.

J'écris sur mon cahier quelques lignes de texte.
I write a few lines of text in my notebook.
Swansea, samedi 9 août. Mais je m'interromps.
Swansea, Saturday August 9th. But I interrupt myself.
Le ciel est très foncé, ce doit être neuf heures trente-sept
The sky is very dark, it must be nine thirty-seven
Et je n'entends qu'une seule voix à l'horizon.
And I only hear one voice on the horizon.

Une fille, plus jeune que moi, est là. Ramassant des fleurs
A girl, younger than me, is there. Picking up flowers
Elle ne me regarde pas et chante une chanson
She doesn't look at me and sings a
Très ancienne, je pense. Il pleut et elle a peur
Very old song, I think. It's raining and she's scared
De voir son ancien amoureux revenir à l'horizon.
To see her former lover return in the horizon.

Elle me tend ce qu'elle a cueilli. Je souris.
She hands me what she has picked. I smile.
Quel peut bien être son nom ? Odilena Jones, je pense.
What could be her name? Odilena Jones, I think
Je me souviendrai d'elle, à mon retour ici
I will remember her when I come back here
Nous nous verrons en France dans un port de plaisance.
We will see each other in France in a marina.
Olivia_Ka | 21-07-2021 10:17
All about spying a man, either from a table, from the tree top, from inside a car.

Taillée en pièces
Cut in pieces
(written on December 14, 2003)

Tous les midis, après avoir lu mon hebdo brochure
Every noon, after reading my weekly brochure
Je le vois.
I see him.
Mais qui peut-il bien être ? Pas sûr
But who can he be? Not sure
Que ce soit l'un de mes ex-petits amis, même pas un ami à moi.
It's one of my ex-boyfriends, not even a friend of mine.
Comment ne pas le perdre à la trace ?
How not to lose track of him?
En suivant ses pas et ses espaces.
By following his steps and his spaces.

L'oublier ? L'oublier ! Je ne sais plus son nom !
Forget it? Forget it! I don't know his name anymore!
Il ne ferait même pas attention à moi
He wouldn't even care about me
Et me déclarerait coupable, rien que cela.
But would find me guilty, just that.
J'en tomberais d'un arbre, contre le tronc.
I would fall from a tree, against the trunk.
Un dernier choc, un dernier regard
One last shock, one last look
Me taillent en pièces, pas le hasard.
Cut me to pieces, not by chance.

Mince, il a pris cette voiture ! Je ferme la vitre de la portière.
Damn, he took that car! I close the window of the door.
Serait-ce Peter, son nom ? Sa femme est-elle là-bas ?
Could Peter be his name? Is his wife over there?
Si je balançais la musique à fond
If I rocked the music loud
Il n'en serait pas content et cela s'arrêterait là.
He wouldn't be happy and it would end there.
Même si l'histoire a démarré avant-hier
Even though the story started the day before yesterday
J'abandonne mon parcours et mes directions.
I abandon my route and my directions.

Ce n'est pas Peter. Quel parfait inconnu !
It's not Peter. What a complete stranger!
Je me rappelle son jean, sa chemise, ses chaussures.
I remember his jeans, his shirt, his shoes.
Sans doute un type auquel je m'oppose ! S'il avait les bras nus
Probably a guy I am opposed to! If he had bare arms
Je l'apprécierais mieux. J'aime tellement sa coiffure.
I would appreciate him better. I love his hairstyle so much.
Je n'ai pas compté les pièces. Ce jeune homme les a taillées !
I didn't count the coins. This young man cut them!
Ainsi ce n'est pas moi qui suis taillée, mais la monnaie.
So it is not I who am cut, but the currency.
Olivia_Ka | 28-07-2021 16:03
One of my (very) early poems, written on holiday, while at the start of a relationship with my boyfriend - now my favourite ex-boyfriend. It was 20 years ago.

Quatre vérités
Piece of mind
(written on August 4, 2001)

Moi, je fais un vol plané
Me, I do a glide
Au-dessus de cette ville
Above this town
Et je me déplace, aidée
And I move, helped
De rien d'autre, que du vide.
Of nothing but emptiness.
Un garçon tendre aux yeux bruns
A brown-eyed tender boy
Me salue avec ses mains.
Greets me with his hands.
Je réponds "Tu es le mien
I say "You are mine
Tu es le mien, alors viens."
You are mine, so come on."
Et il saute, et il arrive
And he jumps, and he arrives
Et puis il me prend les doigts.
And then he takes my fingers.
Nous allons donc sur la rive
So we go to the shore
Et je dis "Y'a pas mieux que toi.
And I say "There's no better than you.
Tu es, c'est sûr, le meilleur
You are, for sure, the best
Et tu viens donc t'envoler
And so you come and fly away
Car maintenant il est l'heure
'Cause now it's time
De dire quatre vérités."
To give a piece of your mind."
Olivia_Ka | 30-07-2021 10:31
Strangely I did not write this poem during summer holiday. Had no chance to go on holiday with a group of friends during my youth. Here the narrator could be one of the 3 boys or one of the 3 girls - the dreamy one of the 6.

Midi en juillet
Noon in July
(written on February 29, 2004)

Il y a toujours quelqu'un d'entre nous
There is always someone among us
Qui se met d'accord, pour nous emmener en voiture là-bas.
Who agrees to take us by car over there.
Maintenant, où allons-nous ? Claquons dans les mains, pour nous
Now where are we going? Let's clap our hands, for us
Et nous partons, pas dans ces îles-là.
And we go, not to these islands.

Rêveuse, l'autoroute me fascine.
Dreamy, the highway fascinates me.
Nous écoutons de la musique, la route avance devant notre groupe.
We listen to music, the road advances in front of our group.
Trois d'entre nous six sont déjà allés à la piscine.
Three of the six of us have already been to the pool.
Trois filles, trois garçons : nous pourrions dépister l'entourloupe !
Three girls, three boys: we could track down the trick!

Nous voilà arrivés ! Un midi du mois de juillet
Here we are! One noon in July
Nous amuse, nous fait plaisir et nous déchargeons les valises.
Makes us have fun, make us happy and we unload the suitcases.
Lorsque tout est fait, nous allons nous attabler
When all is done, we will sit down
Et nous trinquons, nous rions, nous causons de bêtises.
And we will drink, laugh, talk nonsense.

Puis, de retour en voiture, nous allons plus loin
Then, back in the car, we go further
Mais pas très loin vu qu'on a mis un quart d'heure pour y aller.
But not very far since it took a quarter of an hour to get there.
Vous partez, je m'endors sur le siège. Mais tu viens
You go, I fall asleep on the seat. But you come
Et te penches vers moi pour me dire : viens danser.
And lean towards me to tell me: come dance.
Olivia_Ka | 04-08-2021 13:34
That July 31, 2005 was prolific in terms of poetry. Here's one about an inveterate gambler who makes fun at 5 of his "unlucky" friends, who'd like to teach him a lesson. The weather turns bad while they see him gambling at a casino and the man gets sacked at the moment he was about to win big.

Faire la nique
Poke fun at...
(written on July 31, 2005)

Tu passes du temps à table, à te moquer de nous.
You spend time at the table, making fun of us.
Je te vois rire, chanter mais pourquoi ? On s'en fout.
I see you laughing, singing but why? We do not care.
Les déjeuners sont tristes, tu es un rabat-joie.
Lunches are sad, you are a killjoy.
Pourquoi nous faire la nique ? Que pense-t-on de toi ?
Why poke fun at us? What do we think of you?

Le ciel est devenu noir et toi, en fumeur :
The sky has turned black and you, as a smoker :
Cela, je n'apprécie pas, vois la mauvaise humeur.
This, I do not appreciate, see the bad mood.
Tu balances ton mégot par-dessus mes épaules.
You throw your doobie butt over my shoulders.
Encore un rabat-joie, ce n'est pas vraiment drôle.
Another killjoy, it's not really funny.

Les éclairs fusent dans le ciel. Le temps tourne à l'orage
Lightning flashes in the sky. The weather turns stormy
Et toi, rabat-joie, tu nous fais la nique, pas sage
And you, killjoy, you poke fun at us, not wise
On est cinq à critiquer ce remue-ménage.
We are five to criticize this commotion.

Soudain, au moment où tu t'apprêtes à gagner
Suddenly, when you're about to win
La somme de ta vie, tu te fais expulser.
The sum of money your life, you get kicked out.
Quelle honte ! Tu as mis le doigt dans l'engrenage.
What a shame! You got involved in this against your will.
Olivia_Ka | 05-08-2021 09:58
Another one of my post-breakup depression poems. I wrote it a few weeks before the "breakup anniversary".

Absence ou départ ?
Absence or departure?
(written on March 23, 2004)

J'ai longtemps regardé la station de métro.
I looked at the metro station for a long time.
C'était celle que tu prenais tous les jours
It was the one you took everyday
Tu ancrais en moi une passion, un amour
You anchored in me a passion, a love
Mais demain, je devrai donc me lever plus tôt.
But tomorrow, then, I will have to get up earlier.

Quel T-shirt portais-tu ce jour-là, mon ami ?
What T-shirt were you wearing that day, my friend?
Tes mains me faisaient signe, je les ai oubliées
Your hands were waving to me, I forgot them
Ce n'était pas l'hiver, non, pas non plus l'été
It wasn't winter, no, neither was it summer
Je me souviens d'une nuit, en avril, un mardi.
I remember one night in April, a Tuesday.

Je pleure en voyant la nuit tomber : pense à moi.
I cry when I see night fall : think of me.
Ton absence est pour moi rien d'autre qu'un départ
Your absence is for me nothing but a departure
Tu m'as quittée cette nuit, le dernier regard
You left me last night, the last look
Était hier, lundi, mais personne n'y croit.
Was yesterday, Monday, but no one believes it.

J'aimerais, si tu viens, te redonner la main
I would like, if you come, give you back my hand
Te renvoyer la balle, revenir avec toi
Throw the buck back, come back with you
Surtout, reviens-moi vite car chez moi, j'ai froid
Above all, come back to me quickly because at home, I'm cold
Mais l'amour pourrait revenir jeudi matin.
But love could return Thursday morning.
Olivia_Ka | 09-08-2021 12:40
Thought I wrote this poem in March/April 2006 but I didn't. My fellow lyricists said about me that I was (and still am) away in the moon all of the time. Actually I wrote it to make one of them, Jim, laugh.

Étoile du matin
Morning star
(written on February 24, 2006)

Étoile du matin
Morning star
Laisse-moi sauter sur le tremplin
Let me jump on the springboard
Tu ne ressembles vraiment à rien
You really don't look like anything
Sauf à un point.
Except like a point.

Étoile du matin
Morning star
Qu'est-ce que tu brilles dans mes mains !
How you are shining in my hands!
Tu es une pierre
You are a stone
Qui s'envole dans l'air.
That flies in the air.

Étoile du matin
Morning star
Toi qui ouvres mon chemin
You who open my way
Viens donc, je suis ton auteur
Come on, I'm your author
Et j'écris pour toi, au bonheur.
And I write for you, to happiness.

Étoile du matin, laisse-moi sauter sur le tremplin
Morning star, let me jump on the springboard
Étoile du matin, qu'est-ce que tu brilles dans mes mains !
Morning star, how you are shining in my hands!
Étoile du matin, ouvre mon chemin...
Morning star, open my way...

Étoile du matin
Morning star
Glisse vers moi, je te rejoins
Slide towards me, I join you
Si tu ne viens pas demain
If you don't come tomorrow
J'irai très loin.
I will go very far.

Étoile du matin
Morning star
Fantastique place du destin
Fantastic place of fate
Je ne ferai pas le fier
I will not put on airs and graces
Je sais le faire !
I know how to do it!

Étoile du matin
Morning star
Je te retrouve à ton festin
I meet you at your feast
Je dis : je suis ton auteur
I say: I am your author
Et j'écris pour toi, au bonheur.
And I write for you, to happiness.

Étoile du matin, c'est beau quand je te rejoins
Morning star, it's beautiful when I join you
Étoile du matin, savoir la place du destin
Morning star, know the place of fate
Étoile du matin, à ton festin...
Morning star, to your feast...

Étoile du matin, toi qui ouvres mon chemin
Morning star, you who open my way
Étoile du matin, toi qui brilles dans mes mains
Morning star, you shining in my hands
Étoile du matin, laisse-moi sauter sur le tremplin...
Morning star, let me jump on the springboard...

Tu ne ressembleras à rien
You won't look like anything
Si tu ne viens pas demain
If you don't come tomorrow
Tu es une pierre
You are a stone
Je ne ferai pas le fier
I will not put on airs and graces
Laisse-moi, je suis ton auteur
Leave me, I'm your author
J'écris pour toi, au bonheur.
I write for you, to happiness.
Olivia_Ka | 03-10-2021 12:26
I just realised I wrote this poem not on a Friday, but on a Monday.

Friday night
(wrtten on March 29, 2004)

I stay on the West Coast during some days of March.
Two boys are in the block, both of them are still friends.
it is Friday today, and outside there is rain
But you would never see what they've got in their touch.

The one I spied from the corner last Tuesday is Tony
Antony A. Murger, blue-eyed, fascinated
I could not understand everything in his need
Even turning around, he would never leave me.

The other is blond-haired and dark-eyed, he's Darren
What could I say about him? He is Antony's friend.
We live on the same floor, and I hate when they end
Their motorcycles they use to stroll on the lanes.

Evening! Let me stay here on this dark Friday night
Whenever you're coming, I will see a new fight.
Olivia_Ka | 18-07-2023 23:44
Wrote this 4 years ago. In July 2019, I was dealing with the loss of a friend, an occasional photographer, wondering about his sudden absence earlier in the year, but got no explanation why he left. Also, my BFF was expecting twin daughters, born in November that year (to another man than her then-boyfriend). The poems I wrote during summer holiday were less happy than those from July 2018. I wrote a few poems to get out of this loneliness.
Here's a poem I wrote over July 13, 14 and 16, 2019, but did not dare continuing it (because of inspiration loss). Here the characters are named Rubis, Boogie, Crash, Sonia, Mazo, Fred and Ginny. The scene takes place at a summer party, during the evening at the couple Rubis and Boogie's garden. Rubis is a body painting artist while Boogie likes to travel the world (they honeymooned on the Moon). The narrator Rubis ('Ruby') recognizes her best friend's rival, and fears him - the uninvited guest at their party, Mr. Crash, a rich antiques collector (he hails from a foreign country than the other characters). Also, Fred (the DJ) and Sonia (who thinks Crash hates women) side with the couple, since both of them previously succeeded in making Crash fail ( ) while Mazo (the musician) and Ginny (Mazo's girlfriend) are both suspected of helping the rival. There's a sudden twist : may the couple's rival be Boogie's father, and so the collector does not have only twins? Is this the reason while both men had a conversation while Rubis spied them from her bathroom?

Rubis Gobi

Part One
Croyez-le ou pas, messieurs-dames
Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen
Moi, c'est Rubis Gobi, cherchez pas !
Me, it's Rubis Gobi, don't look!
J'en fais peut-être des kilogrammes
I may make kilograms of it
Avec Boogie Woogie, voyez ça !
With Boogie Woogie, see this!
Après notre tournée des sept soleils
After our tour of the seven suns
Nous avons pu arriver sur la Lune
We could have landed on the moon
Où Boogie m'a conté avoir vu les merveilles
Where Boogie told me he saw the wonders
Du monde, et mon mari a fait fortune.
Of the world, and my husband made a fortune.

Mais il se trouve que mon concurrent
But it turns out that my competitor
Se trouve dans la même soirée que moi.
Is on the same party as me.
Ce n'est pas des raretés qu'il sort de sa sacoche
It's not rarities that he takes out of his bag
Mais son regard me glace d'effroi.
But his gaze freezes me with fear.
Appelons-le monsieur Crash, pour éviter toute confusion !
Let's call him Mr. Crash, to avoid confusion!
Je l'observe depuis ma cache, Boogie lui pose des questions.
I observe him from my hiding place, Boogie asks him questions.

Derrière mon rideau de douche, je me planque
Behind my shower curtain, I hide
Car ce mec-là m'effarouche, ça flanque
Because this guy frightens me, it throws
Le moral à zéro que mon mari lui cause.
The morale to zero my husband is causing him.
J'ai une bague à mon doigt, Crash en a une aussi
Got a ring on my finger, Crash got one too
Mais pas au même endroit ! Je dispose.
But not in the same place! I dispose.

Rubis Gobi, spécialisée dans le body painting
Rubis Gobi, specialized in body painting
Peinture sur corps, si vous préférez.
Painting on body, if you prefer.
Agenda plein, et Boogie fait du fact-checking
Agenda full, and Boogie fact-checking
Depuis que nous sommes mariés.
Since we got married.
Monsieur Crash a des jumeaux, nommés Anna et Robbie !
Mr. Crash has twins, named Anna and Robbie!
Plus jeunes que nous deux, défaut : son épouse est à l'abri.
Younger than the two of us, default: his wife is sheltered.

Je sors enfin, habillée, le cœur en panne.
I finally go out, dressed, my heart breaking.
De là, je vois Fred aux platines.
From there, I see Fred on the decks.
"C'est qui ce Crash ? Tu l'invites, il crâne
"Who is this Crash? You invite him, he's cranky
Fred ! Ce type au loin me turlupine."
Fred! This guy in the distance is bothering me."
Boogie est à son poste, avec les invités
Boogie is at his post, with the guests
Sauf Crash qui ne vient pas ! Je dispose.
Except Crash who does not come! I dispose.

Je tape Sonia Lapeste sur l'épaule.
I pat Sonia Lapeste on the shoulder.
Pour elle, Crash est du genre misogyne.
For her, Crash is the misogynistic type.
La mère de ses jumeaux n'est pas drôle.
The mother of his twins is not funny.
Sur ce, Sonia sourit et illumine
With that, Sonia smiles and illuminates
Le jardin... Mazo, lui, donne du feu
The garden... Mazo, he gives a light
À Crash, mon rival, très loin de mes yeux.
To Crash, my rival, far from my eyes.

Je vois Mazo ranger son paquet
I see Mazo put away his packet
Dans la poche de sa chemise. Un vrai boulet
In his shirt pocket. A real ball
Celui-là, il boit des cocktails à haute dose.
This one, he drinks cocktails in high doses.
Il tient l'alcool, s'assoit au clavier
He holds the alcohol, sits at the keyboard
Et pendant qu'il joue son récital, Fred fait une pause.
And while he's playing his recital, Fred takes a break.

Fred a eu maille à partir avec monsieur Crash.
Fred had a fight with Mr. Crash.
Il voulait le DJ mais celui-ci a chaviré.
He [Crash] wanted the DJ but he [Fred] capsized.
Boogie et moi avons sauvé le garçon, à l'arrache
Boogie and I saved the boy, so hard
Et depuis, grâce à nous, Fred recouvre la santé.
And since then, thanks to us, Fred has recovered his health.
Mazo finit son récital ; Boogie continue à discuter
Mazo finishes his recital ; Boogie keep chatting
Sonia l'écoute : mais à ma table, je vois Crash s'approcher.
Sonia listens: but at my table, I see Crash approaching.

Part Two
Je soupçonne Crash d'être mon beau-père
I suspect Crash to be my father-in-law
Vous l'aurez compris : est-il le père de Boogie ?
You will have understood: is he Boogie's father?
Alors Boogie Woogie Crash serait l'homme de ma vie.
Then Boogie Woogie Crash would be the man of my life.
Mazo et Ginny seraient-ils partenaires
Would Mazo and Ginny be partners
De cet étranger-là ? Qu'est-ce qu'il me propose ?
From that stranger? What does he offer me?

Croyez-moi ou pas, messieurs-dames
Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen
Je suis Rubis Gobi, cherchez pas !
I am Rubis Gobi, don't look!
De Boogie Woogie, je suis la femme
Boogie Woogie's, I'm the wife
Et un quart d'heure passe comme ça.
And a quarter of an hour passes like that.
Notre couple est ami avec Indiana Dipp
Our couple is friends with Indiana Dipp
Et Crash est le rival de ce dernier.
And Crash is the latter's rival.
Seulement voilà, c'est avec ce type
Only here it is with this guy
Que je vais passer la soirée.
That I'm going to spend the evening.

Ginny et Mazo restent là, sans me dire
Ginny and Mazo stay there without telling me
Qu'aucun d'eux n'a fricoté avec Crash.
That neither of them messed around with Crash.
Sonia Lapeste et Fred ont eu affaire à lui
Sonia Lapeste and Fred dealt with him
Et lui ont déjà mis la pâtée : ils se fâchent !
And they have already kicked him: they get angry!
Je m'approche de Boogie, il en sait quelque chose.
I approach Boogie, he knows something about it.

Olivia_Ka | 27-02-2024 15:59
A poem I wrote 20 years ago in the evening, under the influence of a drug I had tried in the afternoon, wearing a red T-shirt and white trousers (a hint), alone on my bedroom balcony, a few hours earlier. A Marl menthol with its "yes" and its "but(t)s", I listened to my "want-to-try" head, not my "don't-do-this-anymore" heart until I wrote the poem. Yes, my head led me to write a pack of lines (I later realised that nicotine was a cognitive enhancer, leading me to write more than I used to), but my heart did not stand (as it felt an intruder in my lungs and wanted to get rid of it) right as I started. And wasn't it disturbing to sing out of tune a few days later? My then-boyfriend, was one I've been with during 2 months in 2000 and again in February 2004 (we either split in 2008 or 2011 since he was a workaholic), and... Hid me his vice (there are hints in the sixth and eleventh lines).
And I've bummed two of the ten Marl I've had, the second and the last. Not from my male friends who were only musicians on "loverdrive".
Yeah, going back with an ex was a mistake I've made. Broke the "promise" as the second time in May 2008 and it took me ten years with irregular consumption (maximum : ten total, one a day, two a month, seven a year, but not every day, month, year). I was in post-breakup depression in March 2004 but there are no explicit references to smoking. Recently, I wrote that if I had my own cigarette brand, it would be named : "TEMPT". I've quit in December 2014, suddenly, all at once (though hypnosis could have worked on me), I'm not feeling the slightest desire, and not regretting my decision either.

For me it is the last time
(written March 1, 2004)

What idea did I have in my head?
I did it too quickly, maybe. I'm not like the boys!
They often imagine they're rich and also lazy and ahead.
Tell them I'll be careful, this time, it was the last time, I did it once.

I won't do this anymore, I promise.
My man's temptation! Luckily, we spent the week-end quietly.
He & I watched television, listened to the radio, it was bliss.
He's not like his opposite friend, he's not really like him.

No, it's not alright. My man is still right.
I'd say he's always right. Saturday, during the night
He stroke me, seized me, still standing up. He never hides
His last times, if he can tell, he can. We'll close our eyes.

Monday afternoons are not the best for temptation.
Saturday nights, Thursday nights are the best for it.
Tell the boys I'm not going to do this again, considerate me on
My man's choice : we'll do as if nothing was here.
Olivia_Ka | 08-03-2024 06:27
* offtopic :
Oh sorry, I realise I have already posted the one above on another thread. The second posted on July 3, 2021. Well I posted it again exactly 20 years after I wrote it, with a few name changes.
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