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Guinness1759 | 23-06-2003 08:06
I don't know if ther's already a thread about this, but I know you all are very creative and artistic, and I know some of you write poems.
Well, basicly her's where you post your poems (or someone else's) and hope your friends could give you comments about them.

I'll srart then. This is a poem I wrote a while ago and I really wanted to shear it with someone. I had to translate it from hebrew though, so it might not sound as good.

Self Portrait
look in the miror
you see you didn't shave this morning, you
see the eyes
that refuses to open.
a dream is forgotten
something inside of you tells you
to look at you again.
a coulpe of hopes you once had,
drown with the teeth-brushing water
making it's way in the sewage's maze.

You stop watching.
after all, you
know what your face look like.
you know each wrinkle and each scar
and you can tell the story of
each one and one.
the thoughts are running within you
and you
shake them, wipe them, depart of them.

You are alive.
nothing more.
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Olivia_Ka | 24-06-2021 20:32
Two other poems for tonight... Then I'll check a few others and see if I can post them too. Hard to say "I quit posting my old poems tomorrow"... The former is about a girl who believed she saw a boy she hadn't seen for 10 years : and he was the one she was looking for.

Peinture song
Painting song
(written on March 15, 2007)

Je ne fais que te regarder depuis dix minutes à peine
I've only been looking at you for ten minutes
Le temps nous lie, nous prend, nous clique et nous entraîne
Time binds us, takes us, clicks us and carries us away
Oh, boy, comprendras-tu que tu es fait pour moi ?
Oh boy will you understand that you were made for me?
Jamais, ou bien longtemps, je n'en ai pas vu des comme toi
Never, or for a long time, I haven't seen one like you

J'ai un bracelet, une belle bague, et tu verras
I have a bracelet, a beautiful ring, and you will see
Que derrière nous, la peinture n'est pas !
That behind us, the painting is not!

J'avais même trouvé un plan pour te prendre dans la nuit
I even found a plan to take you in the night
Oh baby... Ça coule encore un peu par ici !
Oh baby ... It's still flowing a bit around here!
Viens te prendre à mon piège
Come and take my trap
Bang-bang, tous dans la neige.
Bang-bang, all in the snow.

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi je t'aime tant depuis
I don't understand why I love you so much since
Que tu es devenu le tombeur de la boîte ici
That you have become the loser of the box here
Oh boy, comprendras-tu que tu es fait pour moi ?
Oh boy, will you understand that you are made for me?
Je n'en ai pas beaucoup vu des bad boys comme toi !
I haven't seen a lot of bad boys like you!

Oh, moi, je t'aime ! Tu comprends assez bien tout ça
Oh, I love you! You understand all that well enough
Que derrière toi, la peinture n'est pas !
That behind you, the painting is not!

Même pas du plastique, tu n'es que naturel
Not even plastic, you're only natural
Et tu reviens enfin après dix ans d'appels
And you finally come back after ten years of calls
Et viens te prendre au piège
And come and get trapped
Bang-bang, exposition en neige.
Bang-bang, exhibition in snow.

Tu reviens dans ma vie après dix ans de peine
You come back to my life after ten years of pain
Je comprends que tu m'aimes malgré celle qui t'aime
I understand that you love me despite the one who loves you
Enfin tu comprendras que derrière toi et moi
Finally you will understand that behind you and me
La peinture n'est pas, mon ami ! Tu reviens et te voilà.
The painting is not, my friend! You come back and there you are.
Je me réveille avec toi, qui hantait toutes mes nuits
I wake up with you, who haunted all my nights
Il y a bien longtemps, un été, je sais oui
A long time ago, a summer, I know yes
Que derrière toi et derrière moi
That behind you and behind me
Oh baby, la peinture n'est pas !
Oh baby, the paint is not!
Tu n'es que naturel, même pas du plastique
You are only natural, not even plastic
Même pas de la peinture, à l'eau ou acrylique
Not even paint, water or acrylic
Très intéressant de se retrouver dans le piège
Very interesting to find yourself in the trap
Bang-bang, en couleurs ou en noir et blanc, voici mon manège.
Bang-bang, in color or in black and white, here is my merry-go-round.

And the latter, I wrote it on an afternoon. The blue-eyed man was one of my friends, either Jim, Lorenzo, Clark or Dodo - too bad I don't mention his name. Or probably one of those singers I like - too many names. After all, it would be Jim 'cause I wrote it a few days before his birthday.

Soleil sauvage
Wild sun
(written on December 1, 2007)

Je le lis dans tes yeux bleus, tu voulais jouer le jeu
I read it in your blue eyes, you wanted to play the game
Mais l'effet est si rapide que j'ai cru te voir avide.
But the effect is so quick that I thought I saw you greedy.
Tu me dis que c'était faux avant le vrai et trop tôt.
You tell me it was wrong before the right and too soon.
Je n'aurais pas cru goûter à ce que tu m'as donné.
I wouldn't have thought I tasted what you gave me.

Soleil sauvage, tu as brûlé mon paysage
Wild sun, you burned my landscape
Et c'est dommage, j'avais cru que tu étais sage.
And it's a shame, I thought you were good.
Ne me laisse pas à l'abandon
Don't leave me abandoned
Alors arrête de me dire non.
So stop telling me no.

J'ai très bien remarqué qu'hier soir, tu venais écrire tes Mémoires
I noticed very well that last night, you came to write your Memoirs
Alors dis-moi la vérité, ce secret que tu veux garder.
So tell me the truth, this secret you want to keep.
Attends, rêver de moi tous les jours, tant de fois
Wait, dream of me everyday, so many times
Est-ce suffisant ? Suis ma voie car tu la fuis.
Is it sufficient ? Follow my path because you flee from it.

Es-tu là ce soir ? Méfie-toi de l'eau qui dort.
Are you here tonight? Distrusts you to still waters.

Qui est celle qui te suivait ? D'un coup de stylo, tu la rayes
Who is the one following you? With a stroke of a pen, you cross her out
Et moi, je reste encore de glace.
And I still remain like ice.
Ne me dis pas que je t'aimais, sauvage comme ce soleil
Don't tell me that I loved you, wild like this sun
Qui tient à effacer tes traces.
Who wants to erase your tracks.

Es-tu beau ce soir ? Attention au vent du nord.
Are you handsome tonight? Watch out for the north wind.

Même si tu veux me faire tienne à mes yeux
Even if you want to make me yours in my eyes
Tu n'auras pas de doute et penseras que c'est mieux.
You will not have any doubts and will think that it is better.
Soleil sauvage, tu as effacé les nuages
Wild sun, you erased the clouds
Après l'orage, tu veux t'enflammer avec rage.
After the storm, you want to ignite with rage.

Rêver de moi, attends, ce n'est pas suffisant
Dreaming of me, wait, it's not enough
Mais là, dès maintenant, je sais que tu me mens.
But now, I know you're lying to me.
Es-tu fier ce soir ? Voudrais-tu me croire encore ?
Are you proud tonight? Would you believe me again?
Es-tu mien ce soir ? Prends garde au feu qui rend fort.
Are you mine tonight Beware of the fire that makes you strong.
Olivia_Ka | 25-06-2021 12:15
Back into my "subway poems"... Two of them.

Le vide dans mes mains
The void in my hands
(written on December 15, 2005)

C'est un vide dans mes mains
It's a void in my hands
Comprends-tu ce que je dis si c'est trois fois rien ?
Do you understand what I'm saying if it's three times nothing?
Que le vide dans mes mains ?
That emptiness in my hands?
Faudrait que je me rappelle de toi, sûrement
I should remember you surely
Mais rien n'est sûr pour autant, vraiment
But nothing is certain, really
Et j'ai froid, je n'ai plus peur
And I'm cold, I'm not afraid anymore
Y'a encore un point à régler, à la hauteur.
There is one more point to settle, up to the task.

Nous avions une place dans ce monde perdu.
We had a place in this lost world.
Devant des inconnus, je peux rester de glace.
In front of strangers, I can stay frozen.
Si je fais des cauchemars, je vois où on arrive
If I have nightmares, I see where we're coming to
Je pars à la dérive et je reste de marbre.
I drift away and I remain unmoved.

C'est un vide dans mes mains
It's a void in my hands
Comprends-tu ce que je fais ? Ce monde est le tien
Do you understand what I'm doing? This world is yours
Et quel vide dans mes mains !
And what a void in my hands!
Recommençons par la fin, ce serait bien.
Let's start from the end again, that would be good.

Si tu vois que je flanche, retiens-moi par le corps
If you see that I'm flinching, hold me by the body
Tu y crois vraiment fort et moi j'en reste blanche.
You really believe in it and I stay white.
Je comprends, je m'affale et je suis ton idée
I understand, I collapse and I follow your idea
Ce serait bien, je le fais, sinon j'en deviens pâle.
It would be nice, I do, otherwise I turn pale.
Je pars à la dérive et je reste de marbre.
I drift away and I remain unmoved.

C'est un vide dans mes mains
It's a void in my hands
Comprends-tu ce que je dis si c'est trois fois rien ?
Do you understand what I'm saying if it's three times nothing?
Quel vide dans mes mains ?
What void in my hands?
Recommençons par la fin, ce serait bien.
Let's start from the end again, that would be good.

For this one, I think I probably wanted to eat a mille-feuilles on that day!

La flanche
The flank
(written on January 12, 2006)

Regardez le soleil s'éteindre
Watch the sun go down
La flèche de la flanche vient m'atteindre
The arrow of the flank comes to reach me
Sauvez-moi de là, je ne peux pas m'en sortir
Save me from here, I can't get away
Et j'ai froid, aidez-moi, faut que je puisse partir.
And I'm cold, help me, I must be able to go.

Quitter la flanche, ne pas me laisser là
Leave the flank, don't leave me there
Ce serait bien si je ne restais pas inerte
It would be nice if I didn't stay inert
Sauvez-moi, je ne peux pas m'en sortir, voilà
Save me, I can't get away, that's it
Et j'ai froid, laissez-moi le temps de guérir ma perte.
And I'm cold, give me time to heal my loss.

Je ne peux pas flancher, m'a-t-on dit
I can't give up, I've been told
Je dois trouver le temps de guérir
I must find the time to heal
Sauvez-moi, ne me laissez pas dans la perte, encore
Save me, don't leave me in the loss, yet
Faut-il que je reste d'accord.
I have to agree.

La flèche de la flanche m'a atteinte
The arrow of the flank has reached me
Continuez à me croire, je suis d'accord
Keep believing me, I agree
Je ne peux plus flancher, sortez-moi de la perte.
I can't give up anymore, get me out of the loss.

Et si un mille-feuilles me faisait céder à la tentation
What if a mille-feuilles made me give in to temptation
Je ne dirais pas non, pourvu qu'on me recueille.
I wouldn't say no, as long as I was picked up.

Je n'ai pas dit mon dernier mot
I didn't say my last word
Je dois trouver le temps qu'il faut
I have to find the time it takes
Sauvez-moi, ne me laissez pas dans la perte, encore
Save me, don't leave me in the loss, yet
Faut-il que je reste d'accord.
I have to agree.

Et si un mille-feuilles me faisait céder à la tentation
What if a mille-feuilles made me give in to temptation
Je ne dirais pas non.
I would not say no.

La flèche de la flanche m'a atteinte
The arrow of the flank has reached me
Mais ma réputation ne sera pas éteinte
But my reputation will not be extinguished
Sauvez-moi, ne me laissez pas dans la perte, encore
Save me, don't leave me in the loss, yet
Faut-il que je reste d'accord.
I have to agree.
Olivia_Ka | 01-07-2021 13:58
Here is a long poem. Who is Mr. Forster? His name can be either Marc, Martin, Maxim, Mikaël, Murray, Merrick or Mitchell. The narrator knows that this mysterious boy just got married. Probably inspired by Martin Solveig, I don't remember. (While writing it, I realised there was a Swiss-German film director by this name, Marc Forster.)

Tu es parti (I promised you)
You left (I promised you)
(written on November 8, 2005)

Tu as changé ton nom, tu as changé d'adresse.
You changed your name, you changed your address.
Tu es parti, soi-disant, pour un reportage.
You left, supposedly, for a report.
Dans mes films, tu étais l'acteur principal.
In my films, you were the main actor.
Je ne fais que pleurer. Je l'ai su dans mon rêve.
I just cry. I knew it in my dream.

I promised you... Des nuits, des rêves d'amoureux.
I promised you ... Nights, dreams of lovers.
"Savez-vous que ce garçon n'est plus repassé ?"
"Do you know this boy hasn't come back anymore?"
J'ai oublié ton nom. Tu es parti, l'été
I forgot your name. You're gone, summer
Était le dernier de six ans, passés heureux.
Was the last of six years, happily past.

I promised you... Des poèmes à l'encre de Chine
I promised you ... Poems in Indian ink
Des balades en auto le week-end, et tous
Weekend car rides, and all
Les après-midi sur les pentes de la Croix-Rousse.
Afternoons on the slopes of Croix-Rousse.
C'est trop tard maintenant. Rouge, couleur de la vigne.
It's too late now. Red, the color of vine.

Ce n'est pas du sang sur mon visage, du lait fraise.
It's not blood on my face, it's strawberry milk.
Ton nom revient enfin, mais le doute me ronge
Your name is finally coming back, but doubt gnaws at me
Me consume, m'ennuie, me ramène dans mes songes.
Consumes me, bores me, brings me back to my dreams.
M.F., tu es suisse. Et ton doux nom m'apaise.
M.F., you are Swiss. And your sweet name soothes me.

I promised you... M. Forster, tel était ton nom.
I promised you ... Mr. Forster, that was your name.
Pourquoi l'as-tu changé ? Enfin je m'en rappelle.
Why did you change it? Finally I remember it.
Où es-tu maintenant ? Je suis en pêle-mêle
Where are you now ? I am in jumble
Et si je te revois, je ne dirai que "non".
And if I see you again, I will only say "no".

Tu n'es plus l'acteur de mes films ordinaires.
You are no longer the actor in my ordinary films.
M. Forster... On te prenait souvent pour un autre
Mr. Forster ... We often took you for someone else
Qui nous faisait bâiller, et il y a des fautes.
That made us yawn, and there are faults.
"Non, je ne connais pas d'homme impétueux, fier."
"No, I don't know any brash, proud man."

J'ai perdu des amis, j'ai perdu la confiance.
I lost friends, I lost confidence.
Il ne fallait pas me laisser si tôt, si seule.
You shouldn't leave me so soon, so alone.
J'écoute la radio. Ce que mes amis veulent
I'm listening to the radio. What my friends want
C'est te retrouver. Et tu es toujours en France.
Is to find you. And you are still in France.

I promised you... Sans toi, je suis en décadence.
I promised you ... Without you, I am in decline.
Je ne dis que cela. I promised you... Des jours
I am only saying that. I promised you... Days
Sans s'éloigner de moi. Pendant sept ans, autour
Without moving away from me. For seven years, around
De moi tu passais, sans jamais me faire offense.
You passed by me, never offending me.

I promised you... Des dîners aux chandelles ensemble.
I promised you ... Candlelight dinners together.
Mais jamais tu n'as voulu. Peur de mettre le feu
But you never wanted to. Fear of setting fire
À l'amour inconnu qu'on aurait eu tous deux ?
To the unknown love we both would have had?
On s'est souvent dit : qui se ressemble s'assemble.
We have often said to ourselves: birds of a feather flock together.

Je t'ai promis des soirs d'amour, des rêves tendres.
I promised you evenings of love, tender dreams.
Je t'ai promis des poèmes à l'encre de Chine
I promised you poems in Indian ink
Des soirs au bord de l'eau, si un soir tu devines
Evenings by the water, if one evening you guess
Ce qui est arrivé... Une fin, brusque, en cendres.
What happened... An end, abrupt, in ashes.

Si un soir tu devines ce qui est arrivé
If one night you guess what happened
Tu comprendras bien vite. Tu as changé ton nom
You will understand very quickly. You changed your name
Tu as changé d'adresse, je suis sûre que non
You changed your address, I'm sure not
Car, M. Forster, tu es celui que j'ai aimé.
Because, Mr. Forster, you are the one I loved.

Beaucoup trop tard, hélas. La fin avant la fin.
Much too late, alas. The end before the end.
Leurrée, meurtrie, brisée. Je ne peux que pleurer
Lured, bruised, broken. I can only cry
En ne pensant qu'à toi. En rêve, tu es allé
Thinking only of you. In a dream you went
Dépasser la réalité, entre mes mains.
Going beyond reality, in my hands.

And one of my post-breakup depression poems - I was 18. The narrator was convinced that she and her lover Weasel both went to Tangier together for the first time, but she realised he was lying to her - and so, she wants to break up their relationship. (I had broken up a friendship with a boy that month) And so the scene takes place at night, near their hotel (there is a plaque on the wall), where both characters are smoking a cigarette (could also be a cannabis resin pipe) and drinking a glass of whiskey grenadine each (those details being recycled from another poem).

First night in Tangier
(written on January 29, 2004)

The sky seems black and all looks dead.
The moon makes leave my so-called best bloke.
Here is Weasel, you, my dear lover ahead.
Tangier at midnight : let's drink, and have a smoke.

It's all joyful at night, you see.
But near the hotel, we'll be here
As you know, I'll tell you that you're the one for me
But whatever you listen to, I'd get to the sea near.

My hair is touching the plaque. You're in front of me
Weasel, have you taken photographs by the sea?
I won't tell you tomorrow, I'll leave you and it's better.

Let's see if I find good boys over the bay, not early.
How? You already went to Tangier?
My lover, you never did anything else, really.
Olivia_Ka | 03-07-2021 10:39
Into my post-breakup depression poems again - English not being my native language, I sometimes broke the rules by putting another verb that made a different sense. Here the subjects were either my exes (Stephen (not related to another ex mentioned below), Matie) or my friends (Valentine, Benjamin, Kelly and Renaud).

My territory's not yours, buddy
(written on December 16, 2003)

I saw you walking on the stairs
I'd rather say I might not be there
You loved a girl, you married her ;
Hey, you weren't the best either.
I don't think I liked you, Vally.

Hey, you're the one I loved more than one year!
Your photographs are black and white
You don't tell me if I can write
Something about you, or all that I wear.
Yes, you were mine, Matie.

Another day, I'll find someone
Better than you, you don't know why
But stare around, you won't find a line
Where anything is not like the sky.
Stay occasionally with me, Stephen.

All of them I've lost :
Vally's the one I can write out.
The other ones, Matie, Kelly, Renaud, Stephen
Were either my lovers or my friends.
The only one who stays here is my friend, Benn.

And this one was written on the day I experienced smoking a cigarette, it was a Marl menthol on a Monday. Though I hated doing it, I was surrounded by fears. My man was 'Sugar Stefy' but we couldn't see each other on Mondays. (I did not dump him at the time) So the poem is based on that first time, and sure, I did not know my man enough since we were back together for a couple of weeks. Also, I wasn't sure about making good contacts with his friends.

For me it is the last time
(written on March 1, 2004)

What idea did I have in my head?
I did it too quickly, maybe. I'm not like the boys!
They often imagine they're rich and also lazy and ahead.
Tell them I'll be careful, this time, it was the last time, I did it once.

I won't do this anymore, I promise.
Stefy's temptation! Luckily, we spent the weekend quietly
He & I watched television, listened to the radio, it was bliss
He's not like Lawrence, his friend, he's not really like him.

No, it's not alright, Stefy is still right.
I'd say he always right. Saturday, during the night
He stoked me, seized me, still standing. He never hides
His last times, if he can tell me, he can. We'll close our eyes.

Mondays afternoons are not the best for temptation.
Saturday nights, Thursday nights, that's the best for it.
Tell the boys I'm not going to do this again, considerate me on
Stefy's choice : we'll do as if nothing was here.
Olivia_Ka | 16-07-2021 06:31
Here is the full translation of my long French poem on the previous page.

Twixt cup and lips

I don't want your Russian cigarettes
Only used to the American ones
Ditto for this Turkish coffee that I shunned
All of this my heart couldn't take.
It amazes me about you, what more can I say?
In fact, I'm here for at least a week.
Strange 45 that you listen to!
It's the soundtrack of a movie, and I just hear
Noise from the surroundings, little music: take me
Into the trap, I saw the video on TV.
Do you know who composed it?

Wait a second, I'll show you my arm.
There are forty plastic cleats at the very bottom.
I still wonder where I could find them.
Maybe in my sleep, did they stick them on me?
Did you recognize me? Oh, how strange.
You know my father more than I do, that suits me.
But the more I look at you, the less I doubt
The more I close my eyes, the less I listen to you.
I get rid of these plastic cleats
With a thought for those on my team
Because one of them saw you, after football
Take the metro line 9, Pont de Sèvres.

There is many a slip twixt cup and lips.

Listen to me: it's been a long way
We fumbled until we found the connections
From one line to another, making no exits
Except those to watch the restaurants from the street.
In the neon lights, I didn't see your face
But that of your superior upstairs
Above: he is in this ministry.
I understand why he knows my father.
Do not blame me! It's my shyness
Who takes the top, I'm not used
To draw parallels or similarities.
Seeing you, I don't know where to fit you
Among the books you put away.

Yeah, I'm sixteen, so what?
The age you give me is a little less.
At home, at night, I zigzag between rock
And trip-hop like the teenagers of my time.
I don't go too far outside
But at least every week I earn my bread
Carrying the newspaper two floors down
Compared to my home, if you only knew who lives
Over there: I am silent, I abstain, stay there
In fact, I earn ten euros for it.
I will not fly a Tupolev...

There is many a slip twixt cup and lips.
Internally, I suffered
I almost overdosed
One day when she was on the phone
Now I hope
That we will all be treated
Us and the cat that amazes you.

It's simple, we're enjoying the holidays
To visit my father who works there.
My mother and I are here, with the ambition
To spend a few days for good.
Yes, don't doubt, I'm from France
Like you and them, you already know this.
No, I don't fix your ceiling
But only your chairs, believe me!
The detective novels of this lady Agatha
Have been adapted for television.
I don't watch any, anyway.

Be still, my dear. I take off
Those plastic cleats on the forearm and lift
My glass to this illustrious representative
Public service... My father, of course.
Will I hold out for a few more days?
I'm homesick, whether I want it or not
A regret to go and support its bark
Makes me doubt... I scan the surroundings
In the middle of my fever.

There is many a slip twixt cup and lips.

You're welcome! I keep silent
On the secret club which officiates in the evening.
I'm part of it, I know something about it
But to tell you about it would make me gloomy.
You wouldn't understand anything, even in my absence.
If I have 'jules', only they could know.
None of them will make a statement
For mistreatment after a loss
One of them has a sister who is getting ready
To leave the hospital to see her house again.
I'm too scared, I keep my reason.

Wait a minute, I'm not very hungry.
Serve me flavored water!
I need cash, I hate when it's flat
So don't call me a psychopath.
It's wasted effort, I think tomorrow
I will stay at the hotel instead of accompanying you
Taking care of the cat, all my good.
I wonder why I went
Here instead of staying to study.
It's hard and the day ends...

There is many a slip twixt cup and lips.
Internally, I suffered
So I'm just watching
The basement where I spy on them
Those who hold my eyes open
Only come to play
Cards, they are only men.

A week is going to be a long time.
Let's not go into detail.
I'm glad to have seen you
Only for making presentations
I might as well hide my flaws
And speak instead of keeping silence.

See you at Eve's place...
There is many a slip twixt cup and lips.
Olivia_Ka | 02-08-2021 13:19
Back to this thread. One I wrote during summer holiday, sometime before Stachathy and Fugue. I might have seen a guy in a raincoat that day, his face looked familiar, but I could not remember his name. Not my favourite ex-boyfriend anyway. Alright, like a few other poems, this one might be filed under 'Spying Chronicles'.

Le gars au ciré
The raincoat guy
(written on July 22, 2005)

Ce jeudi, je l'ai vu vers dix-huit heures trente.
This Thursday, I saw him around 6:30 p.m.
Il pleuvait aujourd'hui, ce gars ne m'a pas vue.
It was raining today, this guy didn't see me.
Il portait un ciré, et bien assez courante
He wore a raincoat, and quite common enough
La pluie qui ruisselait tout le long de la rue.
The rain streaming down the street.

Il devait avoir entre vingt-cinq et trente ans.
He must have been between twenty-five and thirty years old.
Quel était son prénom ? Dorien, Thibault, Daniel ?
What was his first name? Dorien, Thibault, Daniel?
Était-ce Matie, mon ex d'il y a deux ans ?
Was he Matie, my ex from two years ago?
Je ne m'en souviens plus. Jeudi, la pluie ruisselle.
I don't remember any more. Thursday, the rain is streaming.

Aujourd'hui, ce jeudi, j'ai pensé un instant
Today, this Thursday, I thought for a moment
Que c'était un gars que j'avais cru, hier soir
That he was a guy that I believed last night
Fauché par quelque voiture, un tel accident
Broke down by some car, such an accident
Mais ce n'était pas lui. Ne faisons pas d'histoire.
But it wasn't him. Let's not make history.

La pluie tombe toujours. Le gars, il était brun.
The rain is still falling. The guy, he was dark-haired.
S'il avait été blond, ce serait Chan Verny
If he had been blond, it would be Chan Verny
Je l'aurais reconnu, car il a dans sa main
I would have recognized him, because he has in his hand
L'appareil de photo tel des paparazzi.
The camera like paparazzi.

Maintenant je sais qui était sous ce ciré.
Now I know who was under that raincoat.
Un que j'ai oublié, son nom m'a échappé.
One that I forgot, his name escaped me.
Peut-être un de mes ex, Matie pas concerné.
Maybe an ex of mine, Matie not concerned.
Ça fera mal de le revoir tous les étés.
It will hurt to see him again every summer.
Olivia_Ka | 10-08-2021 11:36
Almost autobiographical... It was 20 years ago, I was almost 16, and I missed a rendezvous in June with my soon-to-be boyfriend (we were at the beginning of our relationship), so our couple was not official yet. Either I missed his text on the phone or I got down at the wrong stop. I felt sorry for him when I realised I missed his rendezvous, and we'd get another chance a few weeks later, during the summer holiday - it worked.

Seize berges et une invite
Sixteen years and an invitation
(written on September 26, 2018)

Seize berges et...
Sixteen years and...
Une invite de loupée !
A missed invitation!

Funiculaire Fourvière
Fourvière funicular
Je n'ai qu'à descendre
I just have to go down
Car il doit m'attendre
Because he must be waiting for me
À la station
At the station
C'est un joli garçon
He's a pretty boy
Pas voyou mais plus âgé
Not thug but older
Et si jamais, nous n'pouvons
And if we ever can't
Nous ferons exprès d'oublier
We will forget it on purpose

J'ai mon passe, j'ai mon texte
I have my pass, I have my text
Je suis prête à y aller
I'm ready to go
Mais il est treize heures passé
But it's past one o'clock
Et déja, cela me vexe.
And already, that annoys me.

Seize berges et...
Sixteen years and...
Une invite de loupée !
A missed invitation!

Il connaît pas toutes les ficelles
He doesn't know all the tricks
Mais l'est fort accueillant
But is very welcoming
Et c'est en relisant
And it is by rereading
Son message de mai, qu'je mêle
His May message, which I mix
Avec notre rencontre du jour
With our meeting of the day
Nous sommes en juin, le vingt et un
We are in June, the twenty-first
Y'a plus de monde que ce matin
There are more people than this morning
À moi de prévoir un détour !
It's up to me to plan a detour!

J'ai mon texte, j'ai mon passe
I have my text, I have my pass
Je rêve d'y aller
I dream of going there
Mais attention ! Qu'est-ce qui passe ?
But beware! What is happening?
D'arrêt, me suis trompée.
At the wrong stop, I was.

Seize berges et...
Sixteen years and...
Une invite de loupée !
A missed invitation!

Je pleure sur mon triste sort
I cry over my sad fate
J'ai oublié le lieu et l'heure
I forgot the place and time
Il faudra attendre que c'rêveur
We will have to wait until this dreamer
Envoie un autre message d'abord
Send another message first
Je peux pas venir tous les mois
I can't come every month
Il ne sait peut-être pas
He may not know
Mais s'il m'aime ou pas
But whether he loves me or not
Je saurai pourquoi.
I will know why.

Tant pis pour ce mec
Too bad for this guy
J'l'ai pas laissé tomber
I did not let him down
Mais je ferai avec
But I will do with it
Pour finir la journée.
To finish the day.

Seize berges et...
Sixteen years and...
Une invite de loupée !
A missed invitation!
Olivia_Ka | 10-12-2021 01:27
Here is the full translation of another long French poem on the previous page. For some unknown reason, I removed a few English sentences from my original poem to keep a lot of them in French. I have also retitled this poem, that I wrote a year and half ago, to Défonce ou marin (Lettres à Mitch) even though the now-disappeared male character goes by the name of Lee, which could be his middle name.

Stoned or sailor (Letters to Mitch)

Part 1
I went around the bars
To see if you had entered them
Then that of fast foods
But I was told you were gone.
You left your scarf
I wouldn't have washed it but kept it
And now I sulk.
Even your wife didn't tell me anything!

I took the subway lines
But nothing got me here.
I was suffocating, I was suffocating too much.
This is where I knew that, at the time
Katy was expecting her Mini!
Do you remember her? Hard knock...

There have been betrayals
Stabbing in the back.

You were going to empty the cargoes
Upon arrival at the harbour.
Too bad, I can't find the words anymore
That you said so well again.

At the harbour, I saw "that man".
He only fooled me.
If his name is Bruno or Boris
I don't know very well yet.
A few meters away, it stagnates.
This place where you were going to snort
More than once, without artifice.
I would have known you weren't mine.

I lit an incense
Stick, I couldn't predict
What was, what was happening.
All Livingstone sailors
Have dragged you into their delirium.
How much is the kidding?

There have been betrayals
Stabbing in the back.

While they empty the cargoes
I can look for you outside.
Too bad, you said those words well.
I can list them effortlessly.

Part 2
[Narrator's rap part]
My good boy, you were full of aces
Even in the most disgusting games
And we served you smoothies
In the midst of all your nonsense.
I was spying on you out of desperation.
You were spinning like lightning every night
But one day, an overflow
Would have made you fall heavily.
The sailors, I found them troubled
Except you, the only one with a double hit
Make myself understood with the dice
That you were just going for it.
I thought you were nice.
Pity! You kept all this to me
And in your clouds of smoke
You said you wanted to quit.

Your wife and "that man" only
Kept silent, so discreet.
I searched the Saint-Paul district
Now, no one is laughing.
At the harbour, they drown by distraction
Their grief in their inaction.

There have been betrayals
Stabbing in the back.

We used to say to you acrobat
But you did not know how to choose.
Apparently, yes, they miss you!
For you: it's leaving and dying.

Katy, Helienne, Michelle
What was her name?
Oh no, hers escapes me
Your groupies are catching up with me.
Your ex is Tiffany and you were Lee.
I pass the good evening to Line
Your wife, in the declining sun.

I lost my memory
That day when you were gone
Then nothing more to solve
But I was told it was over.
The day you leave
I didn't know, I didn't cry
There you go, to do battle
The spy thread that binds us together.

Stoned or sailor, well!
This is not where we found you
This is not where we would have thrown you
In the distance... At the bottom of the sea.
What was, what was happening...
How much is the kidding?
If I only knew... You made a ton of it.

I took the subway lines
I was suffocating, I was suffocating too much.
There have been betrayals
Stabbing in the back.

This is where I knew, around here
Katy was expecting her Mini.
You were going to empty the cargoes.
Too bad, I can't find the words anymore.
Olivia_Ka | 14-12-2021 14:17
Here is the full translation of another poem I wrote 2 years ago on the previous page.

Mystery of man (Sweater and narc)

I got tired of going through it.
They dragged me around to harm me.
I preferred not to drink
To their poor health.
Myself, I was their subject
When it was up to them to judge.
I made the light, their recital
Drove me there until it hurt.

It is far, the time when, spun
Towards the city lights
We burnt ourselves out until we were not thirsty anymore.
I was clever! So no blunders!
I don't dance, I don't have alcohol
Each cup nailed them to the ground.

I stopped, I went down
By dint of no longer supporting.
I came home sheepishly, through the park
With my wife on my arm
In a sweater and the spirit of narc
Shall I do that effect to you?

You can clear the board!
It's been hours, I'm no longer addicted.
I pretended to woo
The girl who electrified you.
I was believed to be too unfaithful
Every time that, with her
I was playing weird games.
The white sky turned orange.

So, with clear ideas and cramp in the neck
I slept little but I was in a lot of pain.
My wife knew my secrets better than anyone
While I was not the type to do tons.
If my car emitted smoke, I would come back through the park.
Saboteurs commanded by these two soldiers!
Sweating under my sweater, a taste of narc
Shall I do that effect to you?

According to them, I had "the perfect match".
What corresponds, in our chat
To find an infectious point, a hearth
With a carefully rubbed match
On the map, on the plan: this is the place
Where we had to find the happy medium.

Mint, honey, ayurvedic incense
Within reach, and my flashlight
Made me the most eclectic
So that I hide my panic from them.

To tell the truth, I was not made to hold
The coup of the spies at leisure.
Excuse me, my wife is holding me back on the phone!
No more rousing and messing around!
I come home earlier by the park
Blue handkerchief on the left wrist: coda
Sweater and narc...
Yes, I had that effect on you.
Olivia_Ka | 27-12-2021 12:31
Here is the full translation of the poem Des goûts pillés I wrote on the previous page.

Tastes plundered

We wanted to start, what's on it?
Like tastes plundered with bare teeth.

We were spinning like lightning, launched at high speed
Somewhere underground, those downpour Fridays.
I was one of those 3 who served on weekends
Tough leather, outlaw with a slow heart.
Now I have aged, it is not alone that I dine.
I will remain Jimmy and my ex... Émeline!

The boss was Beïram, I don't know his first name anymore.
Because of him, I burnt and I began to drink.
A bunker in 2000, just enough time to load.
There were my vinyls and the joint well hidden

Sneaking under the stairs, but are you mad at me?
To unpin it with bare teeth.

Me, I still have the map, I can serve as a guide.
I spent 12 years there without losing my balance.
All 3 of us were ready, we wanted the radio.
The boss stopped us "Not the money you need!"
It blazed on our fingers like bananas for dessert.
Suddenly, nothing for the 3 of us, pass it on... The atmosphere!

Behind the half-silvered mirror, I saw them dancing.
Often the following days looked crumpled.
The most rhythmic zic was mine, of course.
The metro was closed, we were driving home.

Wednesday stripper, never disappointed!
I can unpin her, naked Adam.

One evening in 2013, just enough time to tidy up
So I left my chair, from their enterprise, went away
And yet I have aged, it is not alone that I sleep.
My name is still Jimmy, that's why I stayed strong.
Sometimes, I strip it off, this crumbled notebook
But in my wallet, the photos... Are dirty!

Back to the wall, I am waiting for you, comrade in combination.
You make my blood run cold not to give a sign.
3 to change base, where is the half-silvered mirror?
I'm dreaming! Don't blaze off, as they say, more than you can extinguish.

As you contacted me, message received.
Our money spent is profit and loss.
Scene : damp spliff, here we are reclusive
With our tastes plundered with bare teeth.

Tastes plundered, naked Adam.
Unpin with bare teeth.
Olivia_Ka | 06-02-2022 08:43
Here is a poem I wrote early in the morning, in two times since I slept in between. I must say my poems for 2 years were written after sleeping and waking up due to hunger. But not into anorexia nor hunger strike, no, no...
Into productiveness in this early February, because of cold temperatures, that caused me heavy sleeping and light eating. I've been making song reviews, throwing what I kept secret for years and writing this poem. While other women share their pregnancy announcements on Insta I wouldn't even go on repeating my biggest mistake of youth (late period that I mistook for a miscarriage/blighted ovum or so), even if we supposedly lied to each other, I'm not 19 and half anymore, and I'm single. Why are you into procreating while I choose creativeness instead? I have a former coworker's wife whose baby shower for her second one takes place today.
So many female lyricists inspired me for that one. A male one too. All their songs I got inspired by are in French, except one in English by an Icelandic lyricist (no name given). I miss having a diary since my other computer has been sent to the cellar, so I have to use a pen and paper. My two only weapons.
And again, I must admit that I mention smoking (a bad habit I actually hate though I hardly ever did and stopped), one-night stands (in my post-breakup depression poems) and the sea (because of summer holidays and my middle name too) in some of my poems, like Défonce ou marin (Lettres à Mitch) 2 years ago.
In this poem, I put it all together : high tide and dizziness, seaside and motherhood. I purposely avoided the "stopping filters" formula in one verse since it now means "stopping [using Insta] filters". And I purposely used the future tense, since it's the title. And what is this poem about? Two twentysomethings in a one-night stand, going by a simple exchange : she's getting his seed (and so, knocked up since she would like) against her lighter flame.

Futur simple
Simple future

Marée basse
Low tide
Eau bleu foncé
Dark blue water
Au loin, elle verra l'île de Sein
In the distance, she will see the island of Sein
Dans la forte affluence
In the crowd
Elle tombera face à l'un d'eux
She will get in front of one of them
Dans un hôtel du coin.
At a local hotel.

Elle arrêtera
She will stop
De fumer des filtres en février
Smoking filter tips in February
L'alcool en avril
Alcohol in April
Et les joints en juin.
And joints in June.

Aube claire
Clear dawn
Tourner la page
Turn the page
Elle mangera et boira plus sain
She will eat and drink healthier
Et tout en bas, l'effervescence
And at the bottom, the effervescence
Que tissera son amoureux
What will her lover weave
D'un soir, reparti au matin.
From one evening, gone during the morning.

Elle ressentira
She will feel
Des vomissements en février
Vomiting in February
Des gargouillis en avril
Gurgling in April
De la toux en juillet
Cough in July
Et du hoquet en août.
And hiccups in August.

Marée haute
High tide
Eau bleu turquoise
Turquoise blue water
Elle crachera des perles en train
She will shoot pearls on a train
Au-dessus de la mer immense
Above the vast sea
Maintenant le juste milieu
Maintaining the happy medium
Que sa taille fera à dessein.
That her waist will do on purpose.

Elle concourra
She will compete
Pour le body bumping
For body bumping
Catégorie poids lourds en septembre
Heavyweight category in September
Et gagnera sa récompense en octobre.
And will win her reward in October.

Marée haute
High tide
Eau bleu turquoise
Turquoise blue water
Elle sentira, dessous ses mains
She will feel, under her hands
Un fruit bien fourni, en l'absence
A well-provided fruit, in the absence
De celui qui a fait un peu
Of the one (man) who has done a little
À qui elle a donné du feu
To whom she gave a light
Dont le futur aura ses yeux
Whose future will have his eyes
Elle se retirera dans un coin
She will retreat to a corner
En simple qui arrivera demain.
In simple which will arrive tomorrow.
Olivia_Ka | 05-03-2022 07:16
Again what I call a "pregnancy poem", written last Saturday (February 26) and completed today. But here it's from the man's point of view. Of course, the couple is engaged, and though they spend little time together and only one would like to have a child, since the man has a dream after drinking, both make believe the woman has her first child on the way ("little intox"). At the same time, she is afraid to have children fearing that her fetus would turn to crust and make her bleed before term : so, halfway between "the misconception and the birth", she fakes the whole damn thing, even the fact that he forgot to put his "cap" on during the act... But the man has to keep her cheating and believing in their lie, until their imaginary daughter's due date, so they can tell the truth at last. Now, to explain the poem title : although the woman has enjoyed living the lie, their little Kara did not survive since she is fully part of their impossible-dream-world.
Faking, as I did last month after freaking out. It was not the first time that I made believe I was expecting a baby. So shut up and stop asking me, I am not 24 weeks along with my first child while writing this, that's enough. Do I have to send you an urine sample to prove that I lied?


À la bourre, j'ai pas pensé, trop dubitatif
Too late, I didn't think, too dubious
Un jour où j'ai été bien trop hâtif
A day when I was much too hasty
Ça pouvait me donner des ailes, cette spécialité
It could give me wings, this specialty
J'ai failli presser, et sous le coup du cherry ale
I almost squeezed, and under the effect of cherry ale
Elle aura le prénom de ma mère, ou bien mes yeux
She will have my mother's name, or my snake
De serpent quand ils virent au vert, ou bien les deux.
Eyes when they turn green, or both.
Elle s'est glissée, l'imprévisible
She slipped, the unpredictable
En dessous du ventre très visible.
Below the very visible belly.
En toi, elle fera circuler les fluides
In you, she will make the fluids circulate
Autour de ça, une overdose de liquide.
Around that, an overdose of liquid.
J'ai brûlé mes dernières cartouches dans ta glory box.
I burned my last boats in your glory box.
Maintenant je sais quand t'accouches de notre tite intox.
Now I know when you give birth to our little intox.

La lune, j'ai observé sur le balcon
The moon, I watched on the balcony
Pendant que t'as récupéré cette exception.
While you caught this exception.
Le soir de nos noces ? M'en fiche, je préfère toucher
Our wedding night? I don't care, I prefer to touch
Ma fille sous ton écorce, nous la sentirons bouger.
My daughter under your bark, we will feel her move.
Masse et développe tes formes, apprête-toi à lui donner vie.
Massage and develop your shapes, get ready to bring her to life.
Relève jusqu'au soutien-gorge, tu sens que c'est le Karadis.
Lift up to the bra, you feel it's Karadise.
Tu m'avais dit de ne pas parler aux étrangers
You told me not to talk to strangers
Pourtant, un jour comme celui-là, nous nous sommes fiancés.
Yet, on a day like this, we got engaged.
Maintenant, faisons face à notre responsabilité.
Now, let's face our responsibility.
Tu pensais à une fille, moi un fils, j'en voulais trois
You were thinking of a daughter, me a son, I wanted three
D'entre eux, mais ton interstice calait sur ça.
Of them, but your interstice was stalling on that.
Tu sens que c'est le Karadis, apprête-toi à lui donner vie.
You feel it's Karadise, get ready to bring her to life.
Olivia_Ka | 25-02-2024 00:50
Back to a poem I wrote a few years ago, early July 2019 while on summer holiday and in several parts (written in 3 days), though the scene takes place in winter at about 6pm, so the night is falling and people are coming back from work. The lights are turning on and there is an unnamed, exhausted man.
Who is this mysterious man? Where does he come from? Is he one of many I have watched while waiting for the bus after high school in 2003 or 2004? The jaded stranger/tourist has children, though they are away, but he does not care who watches him since he needs a relief. Oh yeah, he wears a leather jacket and either glasses or lenses too, so he may work as a watcher to prevent prisoners (flushing out the culprits) from escaping the penitentiary. May also be a record stacker and he has found a few "gems" to listen to (the "culprits" are those records he would not buy). Most of all, he's on overdrive or overload, so he does not want to drown or burst, and so sniffs his wife's scarf (the elegance) since he cannot get tired of her perfume.
In the Count's mind, so many things : coffee (the packet), mistakes/blunders (the noxious look), vaping/hitting/blowing (the ember) and waffles (why not being hungry?), all together, meaning he's been working too hard. So he has to vape first (no vaping was used yet at the time I spied those men). The bus arrives as the poem ends. Hey mister, you better take a look around to escape your sad and dirty downfalls...

Maudit comte (L'heure d'hiver)
Cursed Count (Winter Time)
(Written on July 4, 6 and, 7, 2019)

C'est juste la première baffe, la plus amère
It's just the first slap, the bitterest
Sous sa veste qu'il dégrafe en solitaire
Under his jacket that he unzips alone
Ou perché sur un muret, et bien couvert
Or perched on a low wall, and well covered
Il pense à ce qu'il était et désespère.
He thinks of how he was and despairs.

Son cœur qui tape et le rattrape
His beating heart catches up with him
Et ce soir qui l'indiffère
And this evening which doesn't matter to him
Son élégance comme de la chance
Her elegance like luck
Au départ de Cavalaire.
Departing from Cavalaire.

Les siens sont à la piscine et lui, par terre
His people are in the pool and he is on the ground
Où il peut salir son jean, mais par-derrière.
Where he can get his jeans dirty, but from behind.
Il n'est pas vraiment sportif car sa matière
He is not really sporty because his material
C'est débusquer les fautifs, tiers après tiers.
It means flushing out the culprits, third party after third party.

Il suit la braise dans son malaise.
He follows the ember in his discomfort.
Le jour est pair ou impair.
The day is even or odd.
Il tient le coup pour rien du tout
He holds on for nothing at all
Et il s'oppose à la guerre.
And he opposes the war.

Lui, c'est une cheminée, ce qu'il peut faire
He is a chimney, what he can do
Jusqu'à voir le bus arriver après l'affaire.
Until seeing the bus arrive after the affair.
De décembre à février, s'enrouer, se taire
From December to February, get hoarse, keep quiet
Fait froid, il peut résister à ce frimaire.
It is cold, he can withstand this cold weather.

Il retrouve après des heures, tous ses repères
After hours, he finds all his bearings
Grâce aux lumières extérieures, mais sans éther.
Thanks to exterior lights, but without ether.
Dans sa veste qu'il entrouvre en solitaire
In his jacket that he half-opens alone
Pas question que l'on découvre son pied-à-terre.
There is no way we discover his pied-à-terre.

À voir les chiens passer au loin
Seeing the dogs pass in the distance
Dans ses lentilles ou ses verres
In his lenses or his glasses
Il se tient droit, bien qu'il fasse froid
He stands tall, although it's cold
Éclairé par la lumière.
Illuminated by light.

Il abandonne sa mission s'il n'est pas fier.
He abandons his mission if he is not proud.
Des fois, il peut tenir bon une nuit entière.
Sometimes he can last a whole night.
Il est tranquille à l'arrêt et très couvert
He is quiet at the station and very covered
Bien perché sur le muret, les mains à l'air.
Well perched on the low wall, hands in the air.

S'il pilotait le gang, un air délétère
If he led the gang, a noxious look
Il lâcherait au lendemain, tout de travers.
He would give up the next day, all wrong.
Il pense à ce qu'il ferait et désespère
He thinks about what he would do and despairs
Pose une main à son paquet, mais rien à faire.
Puts a hand on his packet, but nothing happens.

Dessous son cuir, il peut séduire
Underneath his leather, he can seduce
Des premières aux dernières.
From the first to the last (schoolgirls).
Il fait encore beaucoup d'effort
He's still making a lot of effort
Au passage à l'heure d'hiver.
As we move into winter time.
SALTARE FUORI SALVA salvataggio ...
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